Monday, December 21, 2015


The presumptive heir to the Obama presidency said ISIS was showing videos of Trump insulting Islam when no such videos exist

BarkGrowlBite | December 21, 2015

Throughout her career, Hillary Clinton has told a bunch of lies. She was at it again during Saturday's Democratic debate.

Donald Trumps name came up a number of times as he was excoriated for his remarks about Mexican illegal immigrants and banning Muslims from entering the U.S.

At one point in the debate, Hillary was trying to show that Trump's ban on Muslims was helping ISIS to recruit new followers. Clinton said:

"He [Trump] is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They [ISIS] are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

There is just one tiny little problem with her statement. No such videos exist.

So it is clear that Hillary flat out lied.

Clinton also lied about gun violence during the November 14 Democratic debate.

There is a good chance that Obama, the Liar in Chief, will be succeeded by Hillary, the Liar in Chief.

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