Saturday, December 26, 2015


The Washington and Jefferson Monuments and currency honoring slave owning presidents are a painful reminder of slavery, lynchings, Jim Crowism, white supremacy and discrimination

By Pamela Putz

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- AWARE (Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere), a racial justice organization founded in Los Angeles, demonstrated in front of the White House Wednesday demanding the demolition of the Washington and Jefferson Monuments and the removal of slave owning presidents from our currency. About 50 people, mostly college-aged and a few recycled hippies, participated in the demonstration. At the main gate to the White House, the demonstrators gave the uniformed Secret Service officers a letter of demands addressed to President Obama.

The letter read:

To President Barack Obama

AWARE is an organization of concerned citizens dedicated to erasing racism in these United States. We have supported the removal of Confederate monuments in New Orleans and at the University of Texas because they are a painful reminder of slavery, lynchings, Jim Crowism, white supremacy and discrimination. But that is not enough. Monuments and currency honoring slave owning presidents are likewise a painful reminder of slavery and racism. Therefore we demand the following:

Demolition of the Washington Monument and removal of Washington from the $1 bill and Quarter! George Washington owned up to 350 black slaves.

Demolition of the Jefferson Monument and removal of Jefferson from the $2 bill and Nickel! Thomas Jefferson owned 200 slaves, one of which, Sally Hemings, he raped and impregnated six times.

Removal of Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill! Jackson owned 200 slaves.

Removal of James Madison from the $5,000 bill! Madison owned more than 100 slaves.

Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Madison represent the worst inhumanity to humanity and do not deserve to be honored with monuments in the nation’s capital and with their faces on our currency. Every time an African-American handles a $1 bill he can't help but be reminded that he is a victim of our shameful past and of the racism and discrimination that is still rampant throughout the United States.

We suggest that you elevate Abraham Lincoln from the Penny! And we believe that Rosa Parks, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the Reverend Jessee Jackson and the Reverend Al Sharpton would be appropriate substitutes for Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Madison on our currency.

Mr. President, if you do not take steps to meet our demands, we will, together with Black Lives Matter, organize massive demonstrations all over the country targeting businesses and government facilities.

Yours for a racist free America
Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere

Contacted in Hawaii where the President and his family are taking their holiday vacation, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that the President had been briefed on the AWARE demands. “President Obama supports organizations like AWARE and Black Lives Matter,” said Ernest, “and will consider the demands spelled out in the letter upon his return to Washington.”

Hillary Clinton said she was very sympathetic to the demands by AWARE. “African-Americans should not have to be confronted in their daily lives by painful reminders of slavery and white supremacy,” said the Democratic contender for the presidency.

Donald Trump was infuriated and said, “AWARE and Black Lives Matter are worse than illegal immigrant rapists from Mexico. They should be stripped of their citizenship and deported to some African dictatorship like Uganda, every one of them! Then those white college-types can experience black supremacy and discrimination firsthand. And those Black Lives Matter jerks won’t have to worry about white cops shooting black men in Uganda. It’ll be black cops shooting black men. Yeah, ship every one of those idiots to Africa!”

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio set aside their mutual animosity and issued a joint statement in which they condemned AWARE and Black Lives Matter. They also called Obama and Hillary Clinton a couple of stupid fools for not denouncing the AWARE demands.

Chris Christie said, “The idiots that are attracted to and follow groups like AWARE and Black Lives Matter are leading our once great country into oblivion. And that includes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. When I was a United States Attorney, I drove the Mafia out of New Jersey, and if I’m elected President, I’ll know how to deal with that AWARE and Black Lives Matter rabble!”

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, head of the Republican Governors Association, was asked what she thought of the AWARE demands. Still suffering a hangover from a drunken Christmas party she threw for her staff, Gov. Martinez said: “Come on, give me a break. Aware, beware or whatever, we don’t need this. Sumbitch, this country is going to hell in a handbasket! Pam, you wouldn’t by any chance have some aspirin on you?”

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