Sunday, November 6, 2011


PESHAR, PAKISTAN (Al Jaquzzah News Service / September 26, 2010) – After an extensive undercover investigation that took our reporters from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan and finally to Pakistan, we have confirmed that Saudi scientists working in Pakistan under the direction of Al Qaeda have developed several biological weapons of mass destruction designed to unleash pests that will make life miserable for a targeted population. Their work is being funded by members of the Saudi royal family.

Al Jaquzzah has also confirmed that three of these weapons have already been unleashed against the Great Satan. In 2009, Ahmed Muhammad Mustafa al Ibaba, one of Osama bin Laden’s American born operatives, succeeded in setting off Bed Bug bombs in New York, Philadelphia, Detroit and other major cities in the United States. [TERRORIST ARRESTED FOR UNLEASHING WEPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AGAINST THE GREAT SATAN, / 9-1-10]

This year, another one of bin Laden’s operatives set of a Flea Bomb in Texas. [See BarkGrowlBite: IN EAST TEXAS, IT’S NOT BEDBUGS, 9-7-10] The Saudi scientists developed that bomb using a Pakistani species of fleas known for their ferocious appetite and their ability to spread quickly throughout the population, both human and animal.

The Saudi scientists also succeeded in developing a biological weapon of mass destruction containing the brown marmorated stink bug, scientific name Halyomorpha halys. This particular species of stink bugs are a huge pest problem. They cause damage to fruits and plants through their feeding, invade buildings for shelter during winter, and are notorious for the foul odor they release as a defense mechanism.

Al Jaquzzah has learned that last winter a third bin Laden operative set off a bomb containing these stink bugs in Portsmouth, N.H. that quickly infiltrated houses and buildings throughout New England. Thousands of Americans have been sickened by the foul odor emitted by these pests and damage to agricultural products has been extensive.

Al Ibaba, the Bedbug Bomber, was caught by the FBI last month and remains in custody pending his trial on terrorism charges. The identities of the Flea Bomber and the Stinkbug Bomber are unknown and they remain at large.

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