Saturday, May 30, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Two nights ago a mob stormed and set fire to a police precinct building in Minneapolis.  The cops didn't do jack.

Last night a mob stormed and set fire to a police precinct building in Minneapolis.  The cops didn't do jack.  The National Guard didn't do jack.

I wonder what will happen tonight.

Also, a modest mob started a confrontation with the Secret Service outside the White House.  The Secret Service drew a line in the sand.  As I write this (2300 Friday) the mob took them at their word.  They behaved like assholes, but didn't try to rush the fence.  I suspect it would have gone poorly for them had they done so.  I suspect they KNEW that and that is why they didn't push it.

By the way, as an aside, a friend of mine (who is otherwise intelligent and semi-normal) assured me that it is now a "proven fact" that most of the fires set in Minneapolis were set by white cops who were doing it to try to compel a police response so they could get to shoot some people.  Strangely she was unable to give me a source for this other than "the internet."  And of course as well all know everything on the internet is factual, right?   By the way, she was dead-ass serious about it.

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