Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Please don't think that we as a people hate Jews, we don't!

By Donald Jenkins

As a black man I must disagree there is more antisemitism in the black community than others. Growing up, I saw the sacrifices Jews made to stand with blacks during the civil rights movement. Jews marched and died so all American's could have full civil rights.

We learned about Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner in school.

There are certain self-appointed black community leaders, that for their own agenda fan the flames of antisemitism because it serves their agenda of perpetuating the myth that blacks are perpetual victims. These folks include poverty pimps such as Al Sharpton, "Reverend" Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan. However, the average black person sees these fools for who they are and understands that they are out for themselves, not the black community.

Jesse Jackson is a shakedown con-artist who screams racism to extort large companies to enrich himself. The good reverend Jackson's sons, Yusuf and Jonathan Jackson got a beer distributorship from Anheuser Busch after Jackson organized a boycott. Now that his sons are selling the beer, he does not complain about the alcohol problems in the black community. He is an uncle tom sellout.

As to the violence against Jews in Brooklyn, the root cause in my opinion is the lack of swift punishment or accountability. When Giuliani and Bloomberg were in charge, and there was a sane DA in Brooklyn, punishment was swift and severe. People knew to behave themselves. The cops now seem scared to do their jobs and criminals are treated like they are simply victims of racism, or just need counseling. Because of this, folks don't believe they will be held accountable and act like fools without consequences. The black community suffers terribly because of the increase in black-on-black crime.

Lastly, the black leaders are silent in the face of these attacks. If a black person is wrongly pulled over, Al Sharpton organizes a march and protest. If a Jew is attacked by a black person, he is silent. This is not leadership. When there have been isolated incidents where Jewish folks have mistreated blacks, there is thunderous, consistent and forceful denunciation from the Jewish leaders to speak up for the wrong, against the Jewish wrongdoer.

In sum, please don't think that we as a people hate Jews, we don't. We are suffering from a lack of leadership and a media that does not give conservative, sane blacks a voice, and instead focuses on the likes of Jesse and Al, who don't speak for or are respected by, the average black person.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Jenkins submitted this piece as a comment to “What Have Jews Ever Done To Deserve Black Anti-Semitism?” which I posted on Monday. I thought it deserved far better than to be posted merely as a comment. And as you can tell, he writes like a very well-educated person.

I would like to think that Mr. Jenkins is right, but if you look at the densely populated black ghettos, especially back east, they are hot beds of anti-Semitism. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan merely fanned the flames of the anti-Semitism that was already there. Sharpton actually did much more than just fan the flames. In 1991, he played a key role in perpetrating the 3-day Crown Heights riot by blacks against Jews.

Thank you for submitting your thoughts, Mr. Jenkins. May God bless you and your family!

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