Thursday, August 4, 2016


by Bob Walsh

Two young men have just been found guilty of first-degree murder for stomping an eighth-grader to death because they (incorrectly) believed him to be a member of a rival gang.

The verdict came in Tuesday against Clemente Salas, 19, and Jacob Lunch, 20, wrapping up a ten week trial. Both men could receive life without parole.

A total of eight people were arrested in the attack on Heriberto Reyes, 14 and his older brother on a basketball court back in 2012. The young Reyes died after three days in the hospital.

Five of the other attackers rolled over like a Jack Russel terrier wanting a belly rub. The sixth asshole was found guilty of assaulting the older brother and two other people and is looking at 40 years.

EDITOR'S NOTE: A 10-week trial? That's Kookfornia for you. Here in Texas, the trial of Salas and Lunch would have lasted one week at most. They probably would have been tried separately, with each trial lasting three or four days.

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