Wednesday, April 14, 2021


The deck in the House is stacked in favor of paying  40 million blacks trillions in reparation payments. If H.R. 40 is passed, the commission it establishes will be heavily tilted toward paying the reparations


 By Howie Katz

Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston's embarrassing member of congress, has her reparations bill before Jerry Nadler's House Judiciary Committee.  H.R. 40 establishes a 13-person commission to study whether the government should pay reparations to the descendants of slaves.

Democrats schedule reparations bill for debate and vote by House committee: 'not intended to divide' but to 'bring us closer to racial understanding and advancement.'

                                      Jerry Nadler and Sheila Jackson Lee


The Democrats are the majority of the committee, so H.R. 40 is likely to be passed onto the House.  Even though the House is controlled by the Democrats there is no certainty that Jackson Lee's bill will get passed onto the senate.

Fortunately, the bill has almost no chance of getting out of the senate.  It probably won't even get a hearing.

However, if the bill would somehow get out of the senate, President Biden has said he supports Jackson Lee's bill. 

The Bill sets out who will be on the commission.  (From the Daily Mail)

1. Three members shall be appointed by the President.

2. Three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

3. One member shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate.

4. Six members shall be selected from the major civil society and reparations organizations that have historically championed the cause of reparatory justice.

With that kind of makeup, the commission would, without a doubt, recommend reparation payments for the descendants of slaves.

How does paying 40 million blacks trillions in government reparation payments sound to you?  And those trillions will come from us taxpayers.

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