Sunday, April 4, 2021


A major portion of President Biden's $2.3 trillion snake oi concoction will be spent on correcting racial inequalities


By Howie Katz

Hell on Wheels Handbook - Snake Oil Salesmen

                            Biden's cure to correct racial inequalities


President Biden told us that his $2.3 trillion snake oil concoction would be used to fix America's crumbling infrastructure.  He claimed that millions of good paying jobs will be created by repairing our roads, bridges and railroads.  At one point he even said 19 million jobs would be created. Typical of a snake oil salesman.

Biden wanted us to believe that his snake oil concoction was designed to repair our crumbling infrastructure because that would get us to back the $2.3 trillion whopper of an expenditure..

But the truth, according to the Daily Mail, is that only five percent of the snake oil will be spent on repairing roads, bridges and railroads.  A major portion of the remaining 95 percent will be spent on correcting racial inequalities.  I seriously doubt that the majority of taxpayers would approve any expenditure, 95 percent of which is a boondoggle.

That's right, a boondoggle!  The Democrats' cure for any problem is to throw money at it.  And almost every time they've done that, the results have been negligible at best.

Take schools for example.  A shitload of money has been thrown at our public schools.  But instead of improving the performance of public school students, high school graduates can barely read, write and do simple math.  But they know all about multiculturalism and the need for diversity.

Barack Obama also tried to correct racial inequalities.  His administration pumped billions of federal dollars into overhauling the nation’s inner city schools, those in which the majority of students were black.  A federal analysis determined that those expenditures failed to produce any meaningful results.

And Andy Smarick, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said: “We’re talking about millions of kids who are assigned to these failing schools, and we just spent several billion dollars promising them things were going to get better.  Think of what all that money could have been spent on instead.”

So how can we correct those racial inequalities?  Obama tried and failed.  And now the White Obama is trying it again ... but like the Black Obama, he is also bound to fail.   

Take the Asian-Americans.  They are usually at the head of their classes.  Their parents or grandparents came to this country and worked 12-14 hours a day, seven days a week, to achieve the American dream.  

In order to correct racial inequality, we will have to dumb down Asian-American students. We will have to make it a crime when Asians work more than eight hours a day and more than five days a week. 

So Joe Biden, the snake oil salesman, has pulled a fast one on us.  He's got us believing that his snake oil concoction will repair this country's crumbling infrastructure, when in fact most of the $2.3 trillion will be wasted money.

Had the White Obama proposed an expenditure of which 95 percent would be spent on repairing roads, bridges and railroads, the majority of taxpayers would buy that.  And it would take a lot less than $2.3 trillion to make those repairs.

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