Friday, April 10, 2020


With Apologies To Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

by Bob Walsh

Bernie is out. He has acknowledge that he is out and that Biden is in. However, what is really important is what Bernie did NOT say.

He did not endorse Biden. He is saying on the ballot with the expressed intention of continuing to gather delegates. His stated reason for doing so is to have power at the convention, to continue to force the party to the left. He calls is the progressive direction, but it is in fact hard left. His followers, his acolytes, the Bernie Bros, have already begun to direct correspondence to the DNC and to Senile Joe telling them they will NOT back or vote for Joe UNLESS their DEMANDS are met. Among those demands are; Abolition of ICE, cancelling of current outstanding student loan debt, free college for everybody and their dog, and recognition of health care as a basic human right (to be supplied at taxpayer expense) for everybody who is now OR HAS EVER BEEN a resident, legal or otherwise, of the United States.

I confess I don't know if this is good or bad. I can not imagine the American population actually buying in to this. And I do mean buying. Therefore the further Crazy Bernie pushes Senile Joe in this direction the easier it will be for Trump to win a resounding re-election. It is, however, troublesome to me to see the party of Harry Truman and JFK turned into a pack of insensible, rabid socialists.

Life is hard.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I believe Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would deduct that you nay be mistaken on two counts. It is wishful thinking that Biden is senile. And many voters among Generation X and the millennials will support Bernie's agenda ... and if they turn out to vote, that's a big chunk of the electorate. Elementary dear Walsh.

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