Monday, January 25, 2016


Corpus Christi ex-teacher Tanya Ramirez sues student for plastering the video of them having sex on the internet and sues his mother for calling her a child sex predator

BarkGrowlBite | January 25, 2016

Tanya Ramirez, 31, was enjoying her teaching career at King High School in Corpus Christi, Texas. Oh yes, in 2014 she was enjoying her job by having sex with at least two 17-year-old students. You can’t enjoy a teaching job any more than that. There was just one slight problem. She got busted for it and now she is an ex-teacher.

The reason she is now a convicted ex-teacher is because one of the students videoed them having sex and then showed it to all his friends and plastered it on the internet. The video even made it onto You Tube.

Tanya pled guilty to having an improper relationship with a student, and on January 11 she was given seven years probation, ordered to surrender her teaching license, and socked with $14,000 in fines. She does not have to register as a sex offender. In a second case, she pleaded no contest to having sex with another student. It should be noted that neither student had been in one of her classes.

But the story doesn’t end there. Tanya has sued both the student who distributed the video of them having sex and his mother for defaming her.

The lawsuit against the student charges that he “disseminated the video to numerous people and caused the video to be posted on YouTube,” and that his “extreme and outrageous conduct caused her severe emotional distress.”

Amie Pratt, one of Tanya”s attorneys, said “You can't have sex with someone and film it without their knowledge, and post it on the Internet.”

In her lawsuit against Kimberly Tademy, the ‘videographer’s’ mother, Tanya charges that Tademy made false statements to several media outlets, telling them that she had sex with students other than her son, and that Ramirez is a sexual predator of children. The suit claims that the false statements exposed Ramirez to “public hatred, contempt, ridicule, and financial injury, and impeached her honesty and integrity.”

Tanya’s attorneys are appealing her conviction because she had a right to engage in intimacy under the U.S. Constitution, that the student was legally an adult, that the student and Ramirez were consenting adults, and he was not her student.

This leads me to make a few comments.

To begin with, Tanya is a real educated idiot! She and the other educated idiot teachers that have sex with students have to know that the students are very likely to brag to their friends about those sexual escapades. Worse yet, Tanya allowed one of her sexual playmates, whether willingly or not, to video their groans, moans and gyrations.

Furthermore, I hope Tanya prevails in both of the lawsuits. It is true that her intimacies with students were serious violations of Texas laws. But that does not give the student a right to distribute the video of them having sex without her consent.

And as for Kimberly Tademy getting all huffed and puffed up about her darling little innocent 17-year-old child being taken advantage of by Tanya, I’ll bet he had sex with several young girls well before he hooked up with a stupid teacher. You could hardly call Tanya a child sex predator when the students she had sex with were 17-years-old. Tademy apparently enjoyed being in the public limelight with several media outlets and her labeling Tanya a child sex predator went beyond the pale.

Finally, the argument by her lawyers that Tanya had a right to fuck the 17-year-old students under the U.S. Constitution is a bit of a stretch. But they may have a point since the students were not in any of her classes and are considered adults under Texas criminal law.

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