Tuesday, February 5, 2013


By Bob Walsh

PACOVILLA Corrections blog / February 5, 2013

Two students at South El Monte High School lost fingers yesterday in a tug-of-war game being done as part of Spirit Week. The rope they were using snapped, taking a finger off of one boy and one girl in the process.

Clearly we need rope control in order to protect our children. If even one child’s fingers can be saved, it will be worth it. I wonder if the rope was registered? Perhaps major stores should be pressured into not selling rope any more due to the obvious danger. Perhaps the possession of rope on or near schools should be restricted.

kl2008a says:

Where’s the Congressional hearings on this matter? In California, the Senate has it scheduled for next week and the ACLU is already preparing a law suit against the school district for allowing “Spirit Week” touting that ANYTHING having to do with spirits is of a religious nature. MADD will be on the 6 o’clock news saying that the school is promoting the underage use of alcoholic beverages by having a “Spirit” Week. Only in California.

The Unconventional Gazette reports:

Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., announced that the incident at El Monte High School was a tragedy that cannot be ignored. “Today I am introducing a bill to ban rope, “ said Feinstein. “I know this bill faces an uphill struggle, but there are too many ropes in the hands of people, especially children, and now is the time to remedy that.”

The National Rope Association (NRA) has just announced its opposition to any kind of rope control. Wayne La Parrot, executive director of the NRA, says “The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution protects the rights of America’s rope owners and the NRA will vigorously fight any attempt by the advocates of rope control to take our ropes away.”

On Monday, President Obama took his campaign to pass a ban on ropes to Minnesota. Flanked by a bevy of local law enforcement officials at the Minneapolis Police Department Special Operations Center, Obama said that “If we can save just one child from injury by enacting a ban on ropes, then now is the time for us to pass this important piece of legislation.”

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