by Bob Walsh
As most people know New York City has very draconian pistol licensing laws. Licenses issued outside of New York City are not valid in New York City, though New York City licenses are valid in other areas of New York.
It is only slightly stupid difficult to get a premises license in New York if you have a reasonable background. (Carry permits are almost impossible.) They are, however, severely restricted. The only place you are allowed to possess the gun is at the permitted location or seven specified public gun ranges in New York City, or while traveling DIRECTLY between your licensed location and the range If you stop on the way to get a quart of milk and get caught, you are fucked. The gun of course must transported unloaded and locked in a case, separated from the ammo. If you want to go out of state to shoot, you are fucked. If you want to go up state to shoot, you are fucked. ( For practical purposes you are just fucked in general if you live in NYC.)
Various gun groups have filed suit about these idiotic restrictions. The city has now requested a delay in the proceedings so that they can looks at maybe-possibly loosening up a tiny bit on the restrictions. The plaintiffs have complained, stating that stalling the matter further on a maybe-possibly, subject to political and administrative review, is unreasonable. So far the courts have agreed with the plaintiffs.
In any event the case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. City of New York is proceeding before SCOTUS. The court turned down the cities request for a delay. The proposed changes, even if enacted as proposed, would merely allow the licensee to transport the weapon to additional licensed locations or to any range or shooting club authorized by law or to a shooting competition operating consistently with local laws at the place of competition.
I can almost hear the liberal fascists screaming already. The idea that private citizens should be able to actually protect themselves is abhorrent to them. Oral arguments have yet to be scheduled.
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