Thursday, March 21, 2019


He Who Supplies The Gold Makes The Rules

by Bob Walsh

It's really pretty easy to comprehend. If a guy hires you to paint his house purple, you probably won't get paid if you paint his house green, even though it looks pretty good in green and would look godawful in purple.

When you take money from the G, there are almost always strings attached. If the G says you must hire at least 3% left-handed Lithuanian lesbians for your work force under their contract, that's what you must do. Sometimes the rules make little sense, sometimes they are solid. Whichever way it is, they are the rules. If you don't play by the rules, the G may not pay you and may cancel your contract.

If all goes as planned today President Trump will sign an executive order directing that all institutions of higher learning that get any sort of loot from the feds MUST obey the law when it comes to granting equal access to speakers and programs with a conservative tilt. They can not be outright banned and they can not be unreasonably restricted, like limiting the size of venues or placing unrealistic "security charges" on meetings or speakers. If those schools refuse to go along with the program, they will loose government money. Many large schools (like the U. C. system) get some pretty heavy dinero from the G. Losing it would smart. Losing the programs that some of these contracts fund would be a big kick in the professional nutsack.

So maybe now liberal bastions, like U. C. Berkeley, will actually have to not only tolerate but provide a certain amount of administrative support and physical security for conservative speakers.

I am old enough when the phrase "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it" actually was followed in Berkeley. I was there at Sproul Plaza in the mid-60s when it was happening. I saw it. I heard it. Now the mantra of many liberals is "If I don't like what you say I will punch you in the face with impunity because I will claim what you are saying is hate speech and not protected."

I wonder what will happen. I know what SHOULD happen but that does not necessarily mean shit. That being said, I don't think Trump is kidding.

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