Wednesday, March 27, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Used to be all you had to do in CA was state that you had a religious or philosophical objection to vaccines and your rugrat could attend school without his or her shots. Not any more. You have to come up with at least a half-assed medical reason to avoid vaccinations, even in private schools.

In the past it has not been all that hard to find a doctor who will take your money and write you a bullshit note that will do the job. Maybe not so much any more.

Under SB 276, which is going thru the legislature now, parents looking for a medical exemption would have to submit their information to the Dept. of Public Health. The doctor must submit information to that department, including the doctors name and license number and a certification that they have actually examined the patient in question.

Both state and county health officials can revoke exemptions if found to be fraudulent.

There are some areas of California where the non-vaccinated children number close to 20% of the student body.

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