Wednesday, September 16, 2020


The shameful pregame performance of the Texans in Kansas City has disgraced the City of Houston and the NFL has disgraced the United States 

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
September 15, 2020

Thursday night's NFL season opener between the Houston Texans and the Kansas City Chiefs was a demonstration of how far BLM has succeeded in taking over our country.

The Texans stayed in the locker room during the playing of  “The Star Spangled Banner.”  And when they did come on the field they stood in a line and locked arms with the Chiefs.

At that point the announcer asked for a moment of silence for racial justice while “End Racism” was shown on the video boards at each end of the stadium.  Instead of remaining silent, many in the social distanced crowd of 17,000 booed.

The booing dumbfounded J.J. Watt. “The booing was unfortunate in that moment,” said Watt. “I don’t fully understand that. There was no flag involved, there was nothing involved with that besides two teams coming together to show unity.”

Apparently Watt is too dumb to understand that many Americans are fed up with all the BLM riots and the notion that all whites should feel guilty for the racism in our nation.

The Chiefs for their part sang “Lift Every Voice And Sing,” the black national anthem.

“End racism” was painted on one end zone and “It takes all of us” on the other one.

And fans of the Chiefs were prohibited from wearing Indian warbonnets and war paint.  Heaven forbid that some Native Americans might be offended at the sight of palefaces wearing Indian makeup.

As for the black national anthem, the NFL will play it before every game.

Of course there is racism in this country as is in all the European countries, in the Asian Countries, in the African countries, in the Latin American countries and in the Middle Eastern countries.  And the racism in many of the world's counties is far worse than the racism in this country. 

Yes, there are bad cops among America's 800,000 law enforcement officers, but they are only a tiny fraction of this country's law enforcers.  And among those bad cops there are those that have wrongfully beaten up or shot citizens, both whites and blacks.  But every incident where cops use any force against blacks or shoot them is blown up by the media which all but ignores such attacks against whites which outnumber those against blacks.

And the poison that has permeated the NFL and all the other sports has also infected our public school system.   The "1619 Project" of The New York Times, which is being adopted by a number of public school districts, is rewriting our history and all but teaches students that a black man discovered America.  When teachers in Wylie, Texas and Westchester, New York used a cartoon comparing cops to slave owners and the KKK, were they fired? ... No! 

So, while our schoolchildren do not learn how to read, write and do simple math, they do learn that cops are like the KKK.

BLM is succeeding at turning our country upside down.  When will America be renamed Afrimerica?      

By refusing to come out for the national anthem - that is this nation's anthem - the Texans have disgraced the city of Houston.  All patriotic Houstonians should boycott this disgraceful and disgusting team!

I don't know why the NFL even bothers to play the Star Spangled Banner any more.  The black national anthem, seems much more appropriate for the NFL.

And by acting as the voice of BLM, the NFL has disgraced the United States along with the NBA, MLB, major league soccer and all the other sports organizations that have been taken over by BLM.   

If the truth be known,  NFL commissioner Roger Goodell  doesn't give a damn about racism, social justice and police brutality.  He just wants to mollify the NFL's black players.  If Goodell were honest, he would rename the league for what he has helped it become - the BLM Football League

All patriotic Americans should boycott the unpatriotic BLM Football League!

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