Wednesday, October 9, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The Inspector General's Office of the Attorney General has just asked for a significant increase in budget to hire more agents for their "Russian" probe. You are hopefully aware that this third I.G. report is looking into the origins of the fake "Russian Collusion" charges being pimped by the democrats. The I.G. wants to expand the timeline in both directions, going well back into the time when Barack the Magnificent was still President and running forward into the time covered by the now-more-or-less discredited nothing-to-see-here Mueller Probe.

One of the interesting things is Mueller's claim before congress, under oath, that he was NOT angling for the FBI gig after Comey went bye-bye. It seems not only was that a lie (perjury) be can now be proven to be a lie.

This whole thing is getting frantic and crazy. The second Horowitz report, on allegations of FISA court abuse, is in the hands of the A.G. and is due to be released to the public in about two weeks. Obviously that is not going to happen quickly to the Russia Collusion Fraud investigation if they are asking for a lot more money and staff.

One thing I can predict with a fair degree of certainty. It is going to be a choppy ride to the finish line. Don't you just love modern politics?

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