Monday, July 22, 2019


The Squad live in an echo … echo … echo … chamber of similar extreme radical-left Democrats, including outright communists like Bernie Sanders

By Dov Fischer

The American Spectator
July 20, 2019

The four Congressional vipers now known as “the [Odd] Squad” came to Washington this January, swinging. Two of them came swinging at Jews right away. Rashida Tlaib is a Jew-hater with a long resume and Twitter history to document that hate, and with a filthy mouth to boot. The “M-F” word she used to describe the President of the United States — my president, your president, and her president — instantly defined her as trash. In this country, even if you do not like the president — even if you despise him to your utmost innermost core, as I despised and still despise Obama — he still is your president. I never have used such a word to describe Obama. Tlaib reflected herself as trash by speaking in such a way about the president of this country.

Ilhan Omar is a vicious Jew-hater, an anti-Semite. I often describe her as a Nazi. Not all Nazis murdered Jews or even touched Jews. Some just lined the streets to cheer Hitler’s passing motorcades. Her litany of anti-Jewish tweets by now is legendary. Her own party initially tried to condemn her anti-Semitism but then decided they need the votes of Somali Muslim voters in Minnesota and Tlaib supporters in Michigan, and they figured out that enough idiot Jewish Leftists who donate to Democrats or who vote for them will continue doing so that the cost-benefit equation justified letting the Nazi tropes pass by uncensured.

The thing is, although the Squad live in an echo … echo … echo … chamber of similar extreme radical-left Democrats, including outright communists like Bernie Sanders, they misread the greater American landscape. Not everyone in this country calls the President of the United States an “M-F’er.” Not everyone here in this country — and not even a sizeable number, unlike in Somalia — is a Jew-hater. It may be that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, The New York Times, and the Washington Post adore the Squad, their foul mouths, and their arrogant beliefs that they are going to change America from a capitalist economy built on freedom of spirit and freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom to be great. But there are scores of millions of others among us who are not mesmerized by them, nor are we fazed.

They are nothing. They reflect isolated pockets of electoral support in a country of more than 300 million people. Because the Left Media are enamored of them and want to work with them to change America, the members of the Squad get disproportionate air time, emboldening them to advocate increasingly radical proposals that would move America towards communism and the platforms whose roots in Stalinism Mark Levin so effectively has traced. But that is not America.

Hyphen Cortez repeatedly blurts out false “facts” that win her airtime: moronic claims that the Constitution was amended to prevent Franklin Roosevelt from seeking a fifth term, that illegal immigrants are living in concentration camps, and that they are being forced to drink from toilets. Tlaib and Omar are cut of the same cloth. They all are united in advocating that our lawfully elected President of the United States be impeached and removed from office.

It is they who have provoked this president. It is they who regularly talk of throwing him out of office. And they will get no sympathy from this quarter when they then cry over the fact that hundreds of thousands, indeed tens of millions, of Americans can hardly wait for 2020 to throw them out instead, the whole lot of them, from Pelosi on down. Throw them all out. They have provoked, and they deserve to face exactly what they have tried to impose on others.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is only part of The American Spectator article, “Throw Her Out: Learning when to throw punches and when to hold back.” by Dov Fischer. The author is an attorney as well as the rabbi of Young Israel of Orange County, California.

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