Saturday, July 22, 2017


by Bob Walsh

The family of Justine Damond, who died in an unfortunate and so far unexplained police shooting in Minneapolis, has hired a lawyer. They picked the guy who got a significant settlement for the family of Philando Castile, who was also shot to death by a Minneapolis area officer under unusual circumstances.

I can see their point, and if I was in their position I might very possibly do the same thing. Clearly they want answers RIGHT NOW and in the real world they are not going to get them that fast. It is frustrating I am sure, but understandable. Especially since, as I understand it, the shooter on the advice of his attorney is being VERY RETICENT about giving up information.

They feel, I suspect, that they need to protect their position (which I understand) and that the cops are slow-dragging the investigation (which they are probably not, at least not on purpose).

Lawyers can get answers sometimes that human beings can't. That's their job.

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