Thursday, January 26, 2017


by Bob Walsh

Yes, it is true. Donald Trump is one dangerous, crazy sonofabitch. He is actually DOING the shit he promised he would do while running for president.

He has already reversed several of the God-King's executive orders. He has directed to state department to stop the issuance of routine visa to places like Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and other goat-fucker havens. He has put a 120 day hold on the refugee program from Syria pending review of the program. (Legit religious minorities with solid claims of persecution will still be processed.)

He is pushing for a federal level investigation of voter fraud. (You know the Democrat-Socialists are going to go apeshit over that.)

He has also signed an executive order to begin construction of the border wall. Clearly that can not go very far without a major funding bill from congress, but the man is not sitting on his hands.

He is also moving towards jerking federal funds from recognized "sanctuary cities." These include New York, Los Angels, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle.

Yes, it looks like Trump is planning, at least so far, to actually do much of the stuff he said he was going to do. He might not pull it off, but he seems to be willing to give it a serious try. That makes him a very dangerous man indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Trump is also a dangerous man because he believes his own whoppers! While there may have been the usual dead people voting for Hillary in Chicago and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, when Trump claims three million illegal immigrants voted for Clinton, he is out of his ever-loving mind. That just did not happen. While Latinos did vote in record numbers, you usually have to drag them kicking and screaming to the polls - and those are U.S. citizens. So, what makes anyone but a lunatic think three million illegals went to the polls?

    I do like the things Trump is trying to do though!
