Tuesday, June 2, 2015

67 OUT OF 70

The results have been tabulated on a TSA airport screening test and the score is 95 percent

BarkGrowlBite | June 2, 2015

Now if you take a test of 70 questions and get 67 right, you made a score of 95 percent, which is damned good. On the other hand, if you take that test and get 67 answers wrong, you've failed miserably. And that is exactly what has happened with the TSA.

An inspector general's report reveals that undercover agents at airports throughout the country were able to get through TSA checkpoints undetected while carrying mock weapons and explosives 67 out of 70 times. That's a failure rate of 95 percent.

Past tests of the TSA airport screenings have also failed miserably. Billions of dollars have been spent on these screenings, the purpose of which is to protect us from terrorists.

Perhaps our tax dollars would work better if the TSA would adopt Israel's airport security measures. The Jewish state is under constant threat from Palestinian terrorists and their sympathizers, yet their screening system has prevented any hijackers or suicide bombers from boarding planes in Israel. Between 1968 and 1977, Palestinians attempted or carried out 29 plane hijackings, but all the boardings occurred at European or other airports outside Israel.

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