Tuesday, April 2, 2019


by Bob Walsh

OK, he wasn't a Ninja, he was more of a pirate, but Maga Ninja looks better in the headline.

Police in the People's Republic of San Francisco are searching for a man who was hanging around outside of the Church of Eight Wheels (a roller rink) in the Western Addition. He was wearing a MAGA hat and engaging in verbal altercations with patrons. A man attempted to grab the MAGA hat off his head (attempted robbery under CA law) when the man reached behind his back and came up with a "pirate sword" (presumably a cutlass of some sort) and slashed his attacker, cutting his hand and wrist. The swordsman then fled, leaving his MAGA hat behind.

The man did appear in surveillance video. The cops are looking for a Trump supporter with a cold head and a bad attitude. Since he was shouting homophobic slurs you can damn well bet the cops will pull out all the stops to find him.

I wonder where Jussie Smollett was. Just asking.

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