Tuesday, April 2, 2019


by Bob Walsh

I was just made aware of an interesting piece from the Los Angeles Police Protective League concerning a survey of attitudes in general by the Urban Institute. They hit six large cities, including Stockton, CA (population 300,000 plus) and found some interesting stuff.

Only about 1/3 of the population trusts the cops. About half feel that the cops often act out of personal prejudice.

These feelings are called "police legitimacy" which is a term that social academic types use to refer to community faith in the police.

I admit I have never had any active personal beefs with the Stockton P D. My problems with them are I guess what you would call inactive beefs. I can't tell you how many times I have called the cops to report loud parties going WAY into the early hours in residential areas. (i.e. right next to my house.) I can tell you how many times the cops have responded. Zero. I can't tell you how many times I have reported dangerous fireworks discharges in the immediate area. I can tell you how many times the cops have responded. Zero.

They did respond to an attempted burglary at my home. They did responded to two "shots fired" calls when I called them in because I was the shooter. One of those times their response was very leisurely and the situation almost turned to shit before they showed up, after a second call when I told them there was going to be more shots fired if they didn't get somebody there pretty damn quick.

I do not believe the cops are lazy or stupid. I do believe they are overstretched, a problem that the city is moving (like a glacier, but moving) to solve. I do know the cops no longer respond for stolen cars or hit-and-run accidents unless there is a body on the ground. I also know the snitches-get-stitches mentality is prevalent in the community.

And I don't see it changing any time soon.

EDITOR'S NOTE: You should have disguised your voice to sound like a female and told the dispatcher you've locked yourself out of the house and you're naked. Then the sheriff deputies, the CHP and even cops from Modesto would have run hot to back up the Stockton cops.

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