by Bob Walsh
OK, maybe it just means Joe the Hairsniffer is loosing ground. Be that as it may, competent polling now shows Bernie in a tie for the lead in Iowa and it is expected he will win in New Hampshire.
We are now less than one month from the Iowa Caucuses. Less than 90 days from Super Tuesday. We are at the point where competent, honest polling may not begin to have some vague relationship to reality. Bernie is gaining surprising ground with young adults. Joe is either loosing ground on his own or being dragged down by his dickweed son. It doesn't really matter. Up is up and down is down and it doesn't matter how you got there. Joe has spent so much time and energy backing his crooked son's play that even if he now cuts him loose it won't do him much good and may loose him the "family loyalty" crowd, microscopic though it may be. His child support hassles are becoming more and more public, and his refusal to comply with orders to fork over financial information will be harder and harder for Grandpa Joe to defend.
Assuming Bernie actually wins the nomination (still very unlikely in my opinion) it could make his choice of VP the most important such pick since 1944, or maybe 1960, depending on how you look at it.
Can you imagine being a fly on the wall when Barack is talking with the party power brokers? "Shit, What will we do if that crazy bastard actually wins the nomination? Do you think we can hire the Iranians to kill him?"
I still think it is far more likely there would be a brokered convention than Crazy Bernie would actually win the nomination. However, the Democrats got their asses roasted a more than a little bit four years ago for openly screwing Bernie over, and the Bernie Bros didn't like it. Many of them stayed away from the general election, and as many as 12% of them may have voted for Trump in protest. The democrat party structure can not OPENLY and MALICIOUSLY burn him again. The "honest liberal" faction of the party would go bat shit crazy and the party might self-destruct. Remember, the super delegates can no longer vote on the first ballot.
The election is in 300 days. In about 100 days, just after Super Tuesday, we should have a semi-reasonable idea which way the wind is actually blowing. We will have some idea whether or not Steyer and/or Bloomberg will actually succeed in pissing in the cornflakes, or will just be a loud fart in church.
Politics is the greatest spectator sport there is. (Right after nude midget women's mud wrestling.)
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