Tuesday, April 9, 2019


From kidnappings, extortion and recruitment for cartels to organ trafficking, migrants suffer in transit through Mexico

By Sol Prendido (from VXT)

Borderland Beat
April 8, 2019

MEXICO CITY.- Not only kidnappings and extortion, but much of the migration in transit through Mexico is exposed to the recruitment for drug trafficking and to be part of the armed groups that the different cartels face. There is also a presence of trafficking phenomena of children and adults organs and human trafficking, says the Honduran ambassador in Mexico, Alden Rivera Montes.

"They are phenomena associated with the victimization to which a large part of the migration is subjected in transit through Mexico: kidnappings, extortion, recruitment for drug trafficking, recruitment to be part of the armed groups that face the different drug cartels".

But we also have a presence, not in the intense magnitude of the kidnappings, of organ trafficking; but it does exist. We have proven cases of children and adults who have been kidnapped to extract organs and then be marketed internationally. It is a problem that exists. Do not close your eyes to something that is a reality, "says the Honduran diplomat.

He says that "in the case of trafficking in persons, obviously it affects very strongly especially underage women.

We are not talking about children but about men and women between the ages of 15 and 17 who are still minors. They are affected dramatically by human trafficking. "

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