Tuesday, April 9, 2019


It's Hard To Tell If You Use the California Normal Sliding Scale

by Bob Walsh

Pretty much everybody agrees that public (government) schools in the formerly great state of California are essentially badly upholstered toilets that suck up more and more money and turn out a shittier and shittier product. So, what to do about it?

If you are a good liberal, you steal more money and throw that money at the problem. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) and Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) are nothing if not good liberals. This is their plan to save schools, SB-37.

This bill would, if passed into law, create an interesting scale for taxing businesses. The current tax in CA is 8.84% of net income. The new plan would tax companies that do business in the state (not that are headquartered here, merely that do business here) at the rate of 10.84% if they have net taxable incomes of more than $10 million. They assume (because such bullshit always uses a static model) that this would generate another $2 billion for the rapacious bastards that run this state to pour down various liberal ratholes.

In addition, any company that pays its CEO more than 300X the pay of their "average" worker would pay a tax of 14.84%. This would (again assuming a static model) generate another $3 billion to pour down various liberal ratholes.

I wonder how the liberal weenies in Silicone Valley feel about shelling out a lot more in corporate income tax?

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