Saturday, April 6, 2019


California woman’s dream vacation on safari in Uganda turned into a nightmare

April 6, 2019

Kimberly Sue Endicott, 35, of Costa Mesa, California, has always dreamed of going on safari in Africa. This week she realized her dream by going on safari in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park.

But on Tuesday her dream turned into a nightmare. She and her African driver were kidnapped by four gunmen. Later, Endicott’s kidnappers used her cellphone to demand a ransom of $500,000.

Harvey McNutty, an ardent pro-gunner from Privy, Texas, remarked:

“If only she would have had a gun. Then instead of being a kidnap victim, Kimberly Sue would have had her picture taken standing gun-in-hand over four black male trophies.”

Most pro-gunners would agree with McNutty.

It should be noted that Endicott and the driver were accompanied by several other tourists. Because none of them were taken, it leads me to believe the driver is in on the kidnapping and not a victim.

So there you have it folks - if only this white woman would have had a gun, she would have bagged four black male trophies and not been kidnapped.

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