Wednesday, April 3, 2019


There are some downright mean bastards driving on Texas roads who are armed and easy to rile up

Texas roadways are dangerous. Hardly a day goes by without someone somewhere in Texas getting shot because of road range. And from time to time some driver or passenger in his car gets shot just for looking at the driver or occupants of another car. In Houston that’s almost a daily occurrence.

Here are seven simple but important rules to follow if you don’t want to get shot in Texas by another driver or his passengers:

1. Always look straight ahead.

2. Never ever look at the driver or his passengers in another car.

3. Never pass a pickup truck whose occupants are tossing empty beer cans on the roadway.

4. If someone cuts you off, don’t call him a motherfucker or cuss him out otherwise because he may be able to read your lips.

5. If he cuts you off, back off and don’t think about passing him.

6. For God’s sake don’t give him the birdie!

7. Don’t try to shoot the bastard because you might miss and he won’t.

8. And the best rule for not getting shot on Texas roadways is to stay home!

Have a good day partner, and by all means, don’t yawl git yourself shot.

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