Wednesday, April 10, 2019


California Weighs Opposing Plans To Deter Killings By Police

LAPPL News Watch
April 9, 2019

California lawmakers begin battling Tuesday over how to cut down on police shootings as they consider two radically different proposals that have stirred an emotional debate over the safety of both officers and those they’re tasked with protecting in the nation’s most populous state.

A legislative committee is expected to advance a first-in-the-nation measure restricting when police can use deadly force.

It faces intense opposition from law enforcement groups, which are urging a different plan requiring that every department have policies on when officers should use de-escalation tactics and other alternatives to deadly force.

They blocked a similar Senate-approved bill last year despite nationwide concern over the shootings of young minority men by police.

The law enforcement bill enshrines current court standards in state law, allowing officers to use deadly force when they have a reasonable fear of being harmed.

EDITOR’S NOTE: As an officer, I would fire my gun the moment I believed my life to be in imminent danger, fuck any withstanding policy.

There’s an old police saying: I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by six.

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