Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Abbas: U.S. to allow Israel to annex parts of West Bank, give Hamas Gaza

By Tovah Lazaroff and Khaled Abu Toameh

The Jerusalem Post
April 1, 2019

The Trump Administration will allow Israel to annex portions of the West Bank and split the Gaza Strip from the West Bank so that it can be a state of its own, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday.

Speaking at the Arab League summit in Tunisia, "What is coming from the US is more dangerous and serious,” he said. “The US will tell Israel, annex part of the Palestinian lands and grant self-rule to what's left of the land, and give the Gaza Strip a state so that Hamas can play there.

“The US administration's decision is to destroy the Arab Peace Plan and constitutes a dramatic change from the positions of previous US administrations,” Abbas continued.

The Palestinian leader spoke in advance of the anticipated roll out of what US President Donald Trump is calling the “Plan of the Century” to resolve the Israeli-Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

His comments, however, also came one week after the historic decision by Trump to officially recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which Israel annexed from Syria in 1981. Israel captured that territory during the defensive Six-Day War in 1967.

The Arab League on Sunday condemned the US for its recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan and said it planned to seek a UN Security Council resolution against the move.

The US declaration on the Golan has sparked speculation that the Trump administration’s next move would be to support Israel in annexing at least portions of Area C of the West Bank, where all of the Israeli settlements are located.

Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk tweeted on Sunday, “So by recognizing Israel’s annexation of the Golan, Trump is helping [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] Bibi get re-elected, which will help the right-wing annex the West Bank, which will lead to pressure from his base to recognize that too, which will doom his peace plan and Israel.”

The UN charter, the United Nations Security Council and international law in general has held that territory to be illegal occupied.

In written testimony to Congress last year, legal expert Eugene Kontorovich of the Northwestern University School of Law explained that there were exceptions to that principle. He listed the cases of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam’s sovereignty over north and south Vietnam after an aggressive war and India’s annexation of the Portuguese territory of Goa.

But the UN and its Security Council have made no such exception for Israel. After the Six-Day War, the UNSC passed resolution 242 that affirmed the “inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war” as it related to territory Israel captured in that war. The resolution called for the withdrawal of the IDF “from territories occupied in the recent conflict.”

Israel has since withdrawn from Gaza and the Sinai desert, has annexed eastern Jerusalem and the Golan, and has maintained military control over the West Bank.

The Trump administration’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan pushes back at UNSC’s resolution 242 and 497, which deemed Israel’s annexation of the Golan to be illegal. The administration argued that Israeli sovereignty in the Golan was necessary for the country’s security, particularly given Iran’s military presence in Syria.

Just one day later at the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference in Washington, US Ambassador to the Israel David Friedman hinted at the link between the Golan Heights security argument to the West Bank. In speaking of the importance of pushing forward with a peace plan, Friedman said, “Can we leave this to an administration that might not understand the existential risk to Israel if Judea and Samaria are overcome by terrorists in the manner that befell the Gaza Strip, after the IDF withdrew from this territory.”

Settler leaders and right-wing politicians in the last four years have pushed forward numerous annexation initiatives, including for the Gush Etzion Region and the Ma’aleh Adumim bloc. But if the argument is security, then Jordan Valley Regional Council head David Elhayani said he believe that the application of sovereignty to his region, situated between Jerusalem and Jordan, would be the logical first step for Israel’s next government.

ESITOR’S NOTE: Trump has got to gibe the Palestinians something. If his declared ‘Deal of the Century’ includes a divided Jerusalem with the eastern part as the Palestinian capital, that’s a non-starter for the Israelis. But an undivided Israeli Jerusalem is a non-starter for the Palestinians. Trump’s deal will be no deal.

While Trump has been the best friend of Israel since President Truman, Obama was the most unfriendly. But the Israelis better beware! If the now anti-Semitic Democrats win in 2020, the president will then surpass Obama in his/her unfriendly treatment of the Jewish state.

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