Wednesday, April 3, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The House of Commons has voted to reject four more proposals for a semi-orderly exit of the U. K. from the E. U. Literally everybody seems to agree that a no-deal exit would simply mean chaos and most people are not huge fans of chaos. Trouble is the disparate groups are unable to get their shit together and agree on something that has some remote possibility of both working and being accepted by the remaining 27 members of the E. U.\

A reasonably solid push is being made to allow the U. K. to stay in the customs union but back out of the control that the E. U. has over member nations. I vaugely think that Norway has this sort of an agreement with the E. U. (though I will not bet money on it.) Whether that push will be successful is anybody's guess right now.

For what my opinion is worth, which may not be much, I think a lot of this is a big FUCK YOU from their own "administrative state" to the people of the U. K. for having the audacity to want to have their own sovereignty back. I hope they stick it out. Having control over your own country is worth some short-term and medium-term chaos.

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