Saturday, June 23, 2018


Antwon Rose was very probably the shooter in the drive by shooting

By Dave Freeman

I am reading on the PoliceOne website, that the officer has 8 years of experience as a police officer with other departments.

After the drive by shooting and the stop, two guns were found in the car which fit the description of the vehicle used in the earlier shooting, and that the back window of the vehicle was shot out. (This is known as a clue.)

Additionally, the dead thug [Antwon Rose], who ran as soon as the car was stopped, had an empty magazine – and no it wasn’t Newsweek – in one of his pockets. This young punk was very probably the shooter in the drive by shooting and certainly was an accomplice in the prior incident.

The question for the courts and the East Pittsburgh police department will be, did the officer have enough information to reasonably assume that he was legally justified in shooting the dirt bag at the time he did so.

In any event the mob doesn’t care if this black punk was the shooter in the drive by. They see an opportunity to riot and to vilify a cop. That’s all they care about.

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