Friday, November 4, 2016


By Bob Walsh

I have to admit, I never thought I would think that. It is truly strange and marvelous how things come together. Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, gets investigated for sexting an underage female. While the feds are wringing out a computer he shared with soon-to-be former wife Huma Abedin they find a shitload (650,000) emails to and from Huma, many of them to or from Hillary.

There is other stuff out there. Allegedly the FBI is now almost certain that four or five foreign governments had accessed Hillary’s home-brew email server. How they know that I have no idea. Whether or not it’s true I have no idea.

One thing that is known for sure is that last month Trump collected $100 MILLION freaking dollars, most of it from relatively small donors. That is WAY MORE than Hillary got in the same period of time. Not only does this allow him to shove a lot of last minute cash into the campaign it is, IMHO, indicative of an honest Trump surge. (Or maybe an anti-Hillary surge. Same effect.)

If Trump wins this thing I hope he offers Weiner a job, or at least a grant. He may very well owe the election to him.

Of course there is no chance this will come to a head before Election Day. In many ways the most “amusing” possible outcome would be Hillary winning, then getting indicted before her inauguration. I am not seriously hoping for that, the constitutional fallout could be considerable. I would in any case be interesting to watch. I am pretty sure I would not want the current Supreme Court deciding on who wins the election.

America. What a country.

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