Thursday, May 19, 2016


By Bob Walsh

A 70-year old denizen of Livermore (CA) was arrested following a suspected road rage incident on Sunday that occurred near Fresno along I-5.

John Sayer was booked into the Fresno County Jail on suspicion of ADW and shooting into an occupied vehicle. He has since been released on bond.

The incident began about 0900 on Sunday when a 40-year old man saw Sayer allegedly weaving in and out of traffic. Sayer allegedly got on the other man’s tail and began tailgating him. Sayer eventually passed the man, who then sped up and overtook and passed Sayer.

At that time Sayer allegedly pulled up beside the other man and fired a shot into his car. The victim then pulled out his cell phone, took some photos of Sayer’s car and license plate. The CHP then stopped the victim for speeding, at which time he told his tale and showed the officer the cell phone video. The cop could plainly see a bullet hole in the car.

This led to Sayer being arrested by the Livermore P D in his home. Fresno deputies served a search warrant and recovered three hand guns, three “assault rifles” and a “sniper rifle” along with a fair bit of ammunition.

Sayer had no criminal history and owned all the guns legally.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We have two scenarios here.

Mr. Sayer is an obvious patriot who has prepared himself to repel the inevitable invasion by the Chinese.

The other man was driving distracted while using his cellphone.

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