Wednesday, April 8, 2020


When You Hold Them Is Important Too

by Bob Walsh

Yesterday Wisconsin had a primary election. A few HOURS before it was supposed to start Democrat-Socialist Governor Tony Evers issued an executive order postponing the election for two months.

Then the Wisconsin Supreme Court, by a vote of 4-2, said that the governor did NOT have the authority to postpone the election. The governor himself had previously opined that he did not have the authority to make the change, but then went ahead and did it anyway.

Evers claims his move was to protect the health of voters and poll workers. A federal court did say that they can continue to count mail ballots and delay the official ballot count until April 15. Democrat-Socialists are asserting that the requirement to hold the election on election day is a Republican plot to suppress voter turnout.

In Ohio last month both the Governor and Sec State tried to get their primary shifted, with no luck, until the state health director issued an order shutting down the voting for public health reasons. Ohio then did a quickie set-up of a mail-in election for April 28, which the courts have signed off on.

I personally have voted by mail for years. It is easy and convenient as well as cheaper for the county. Back in the old days you had to have a reason to file for a mail (absentee voter) ballot but now you don't need a reason, you can just do it.

It will be interesting to see if the national conventions get rolled back or otherwise tweaked. With luck by the time July rolls around we will have a handle on this thing and it won't be an issue.

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