Saturday, March 18, 2017


by Bob Walsh

Jesus Alberto Geney Montes, 24. of Santa Clara, CA is never going to make it to 25. He was an immigrant from Columbia and wanted to become a forensic dentist. He was also unfortunately a crazy person with a knife and maybe a handgun, at least he was on March 9.

His mom and stepdad called the local cops when he was acting crazy and (among other things) stabbed himself. They said he had a gun and had barricaded himself in his bedroom. He fled out the window before the cops arrived but they found him hanging out on an overpass nearby. He refused to show his hands and they lit him up [using a Taser], with no effect. Montes then advanced at the cops and one of them shot his happy ass. He died. The cops did not find a gun. The whole incident was recorded on a body cam.

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