Thursday, January 31, 2019


by Bob Walsh

It seems that a mysterious "surcharge" started appearing in gasoline costs in the formerly great state of California a few years ago. It was "discovered" recently when somebody decided to wring out every microscopic piece of cost in the price of a gallon of gas in CA., which is typically the second highest in the nation.

It seems that a few years back a surcharge managed to creep into the cost of gasoline that has varied from 2 cents per gallon way back when to as high as 24 cents per gallon. It is now about 20 cents per gallon.

The members of the legislature who are looking into this seem to think it may have crept in a few years back when a major refinery fire cut into supply. Nobody seems to know for sure, know who authorized it, for how much or how long. It has however ended up with the average CA family paying $1,700 dollars that they maybe shouldn't have had to.

Presumably this was going into the coffers of the state so nobody looked to closely at it but now that the secret is up a bunch of greedy bastards will pretend to be outraged and pretend they want to get to the bottom of it.

And we keep re-electing this rapacious asswipes year after year after year. I don't believe we get the government we deserve, but we sure as hell get the government we tolerate.

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