Sunday, August 23, 2015


Philly cop caught shaking down motorists to buy fundraising tickets

BarkGrowlBite | August 23, 2015

Philadelphia police officer Matthew Zagursky had been given a fistful bunch of fundraising tickets to sell. What better way to get rid of the tickets than to shake down motorists.

Zagursky got caught on video telling a stopped driver and his male companion:

"You and your friend got any money to buy these thrill show tickets? Either you buy these or I take your car. 'Cause it's unregistered. Ten bucks each, man."

At first the driver reluctantly agrees to buy two tickets, but that wasn’t good enough for Zagursky. Then the cop accepted $30 for three tickets.

The tickets were for some sort of thrill show this fall. Funds raised were to go to the families of fallen police officers and firefighters.

Zagursky was also heard making a homophobic crack about the driver’s pink windshield wipers. The driver explained they honored his grandmother who has breast cancer. Yeah, right, and pigs can fly.

Instead of putting people in jail, it looks as if Zagursky could be headed to the slammer himself. When he was in the police academy, he must have dozed off during the extortion lesson.

When will cops realize that them video cameras are everywhere? This video was taken from inside the shakedown victim’s car and ended up on Facebook to the embarrassment of the Philadelphia Police Department and the detriment of soon to be ex-officer Matthew Zagursky.

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