Monday, August 17, 2015


Donald Trump says if elected President, he would ship all illegal immigrants back to Mexico

BarkGrowlBite | August 17, 2015

While in Iowa last week, Donald Trump revealed what he would do about illegal immigration. He would build an impenetrable border wall and ship all illegal immigrants back to Mexico. And he would not break up families that consisted of both illegals and U.S. citizens ….. he would send them all to Mexico.

Not so fast there Donald! If you ship all illegals back to Mexico you would be sending my yard man and those guys that sweat it out in 100-plus degree temperatures filling those pot holes in the streets and fixing those broken water mains and sewer lines. And you cannot legally force U.S. citizens to leave for Mexico. Besides that, how the holy fuck are you going to round up and ship back up to 30 million people? Logistically, that’s almost impossible.

The government keeps talking about 11 million 'undocumented' immigrants in this country. Don’t believe it! Other estimates have the number at 20 million. I'll bet there are 11 million in California alone. You can bet that there are up to 30 million illegals in this country right now.

In order to round up all the illegals we would have to quadruple or more the size of the FBI, ICE and many state and local police agencies. How are we going to do that when those agencies are having a hard time filling their ranks as it is? And where would the money come from to pay for all those law enforcement officers?

The Donald said he would make Mexico pay for his wall and for the cost of shipping all those illegals back. But Mexico doesn’t have that kind of money. And neither do we! Trump has promised to balance the budget and get us out of debt, but the cost of rounding up and shipping all those illegals back to Mexico would bankrupt the U.S.

Trump has promised to restore jobs to American citizens. But his plan to ship back all the illegals would cost several hundred thousand bilingual teachers their jobs. And The Donald says he would not allow illegals to send money to their families back in Mexico. If he could legally do that, he would be adding thousands and thousands of banking employees to the unemployment rolls.

I’m beginning to think that The Donald needs to see a shrink. And if you’re planning to vote for him, you probably need to see a shrink too.

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