Saturday, June 13, 2015


Life on earth is doomed despite what Rush Limbaugh says about global warming

BarkGrowlBite | June 13, 2015

There have been a lot of arguments about climate change and global warming. Scientists generally agree that we are experiencing a period of global warming which will melt the earth's ice caps. That will raise the sea levels and submerge coast lines worldwide. The left-wing blames it all on man-made emissions. The right-wing claims global warming is one gigantic left-wing hoax. Hardly a week goes by without Rush Limbaugh informing his ditto heads that there is absolutely no truth to global warming.

Here is the real truth as I see it. We are undergoing climate change, like it or not. Dr. Richard Krupp, a former California correctional administrator, points out that “The climate has been changing since before there were people to keep track of it.”

Climate change is cyclical. I do believe that to some extent man-made carbon emissions are contributing to the cycle we are now experiencing, but no amount of government mandated emission controls are going to stop the current period of global warming.

If you don’t believe that global warming is for real, I suggest you look at the before-and-current satellite photos of the Arctic ice shelf. It is disappearing right before our eyes.

Unfortunately the global warming issue has become a political football. In his State of the Union address to Congress, President Obama said, “The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security.” Say what? Never mind ISIS, Russia and China because, according to Obama and the Pentagon, right now it’s global warming that poses the most serious threat to our national security.

The Pentagon Is going to have to find a way to fire a nuclear missile at the sun and hope that will reverse global warning. But then again that might bring about the Ice Age. Either way, life on earth is doomed.

Bob Walsh says, “I am unwilling to impoverish our country and destroy our lifestyle to appease some radical leftist asshole who wants me to feel guilty about having a decent car and air conditioning.”

I too am unwilling to impoverish our country and destroy our lifestyle, but not for the reason Bob gives. I’m unwilling to do so because man-made emissions only play a small part in the global warming cycle and all the emission controls we can come up with are not going to reverse global warming - they will only delay the inevitable disappearance of life on earth.

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