Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Bill Hillmann got gored twice in his right thigh during this year’s third running of the bulls

BarkGrowlBite | July 9, 2014

The running of the bulls during the festival of San Fermín is held annually in Pamplona, Spain. Those brave of heart and short of brains run ahead of some rampaging bulls down a narrow street for about half a mile from the bull pens to the Pamplona bull ring.

Recently Bill Hillmann, 32, an American from Chicago, wrote and published HOW TO SURVIVE THE BULLS OF PAMPLONA together with three co-authors, including John Hemingway. John is the grandson of the great novelist Ernest Hemingway who popularized the running of the bulls with his book, “The Sun Also Rises.”

Bill Hillmann considers himself an expert on running with the bulls because he has been doing it every year for a decade. But this year, during the third running of the bulls, our expert – oops - tripped and got gored twice in his right thigh. He is recovering in a hospital.

It looks like Bill is going to have to write a sequel entitled, HOW TO SURVIVE A GORING BY THE BULLS OF PAMPLONA.

Or better yet, Bill and his co-authors should consider revising HOW TO SURVIVE THE BULLS OF PAMPLONA. They should make it a one-page book with the page reading in bold large letters: Do not run with the bulls of Pamplona!

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