Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Joe Biden says there is not enough evidence on whether marijuana is a 'gateway drug'

November 20, 2019

Speaking about marijuana during a campaign stop in Nevada this past weekend, Joe Biden said:

“The truth of the matter is, there's not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug. It's a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it. It is not irrational to do more scientific investigation to determine, which we have not done significantly enough, whether or not there are any things that relate to whether it's a gateway drug or not.”

Biden is flat wrong. There is overwhelming empirical evidence that marijuana is a gateway drug. For instance, I spent about seven years in drug enforcement, both as a cop and parole officer. As such, I dealt with hundreds of heroin and other drug users. In questioning them, I found out that each and every one of them started out using marijuana.

I know that pot advocates will pooh pooh my findings and come back with the crap that everyone started out on milk, thus making milk the gateway drug.

By the way, as late as 2010, Biden called marijuana a gateway drug. Since he wasn’t running for any office then, Biden didn’t bother to call for any scientific evidence like he does now.

Whether Biden is wrong and I am right really doesn’t matter. America is well down the road to legalizing marijuana. Two-thirds of Americans back legalization of marijuana, according to a Pew Research Center survey released last week.

Meanwhile AOC said Sunday evening, “Marijuana should be legalized, and drug consumption should be decriminalized. These are matters of public health.”

When more people start using heroin, coke, meth and designer drugs due to the legalization of pot, the possession of these drugs will surely be decriminalized.

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