Thursday, July 23, 2015


By Bob Walsh | PACOVILLA Corrections blog | July 23, 2015

There was a shooting Thursday evening at a multiplex theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. Police report that a 58-year-old "lone white male" with a "criminal history" shot eleven people who were watching the movie Trainwreck in the theater, then killed himself. Two of his victims died, one is in critical condition.

I guess that movie really sucked. I have walked out of a couple of movies that disappointed me, but they were never so bad I wanted to kill other people let alone myself. (Well, there was that screaming kid one time, but I didn’t kill him. I only thought about it.)

Maybe the people he shot refused to shut down their smartphones. That could be justifiable homicide. Or maybe he was just a dingdong. I am confident the local constabulary will figure it out.

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