Saturday, March 15, 2014


Country singer, comedian, author and Texas Agricultural Commissioner candidate Kinky Friedman claims he interviewed every redneck deputy sheriff he could find and he has yet to meet one that says he’s against legalizing pot

BarkGrowlBite | March 15, 2014

Kinky Friedman, a candidate for Texas Agricultural Commissioner, is running on a platform that includes the legalization of marijuana. Here is one of the things he told Newsmax TV's John Bachman and J.D. Hayworth on Thursday's "America's Forum":

Law enforcement is down with this 100 percent. I've interviewed every redneck deputy sheriff I can find, and I have yet to meet one that says he's against legalizing. They're all for it and the reason they give is that every night they get a call that some guy has a few drinks and beats up his wife and they got to deal with it. They say they've never had a case of a guy smoking a few joints and beating up his wife because he forgets to beat up his wife, you see, he beats up a bag of Doritos or something like that.

Before PC and racial sensitivity, the Kinkster poked fun at blacks, Mexican-Americans, Baptists and Jews. One of the jokes Kinky told during his standup comedy routine was:

Do you know why negroes wear broad-brimmed hats? To keep the birds from shitting on their lips.

Today, that joke would get Kinky tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail ... oops, not out of town, but out of the country!

Despite his pro-pot positions, Kinky is still one of my favorite Texans. The only problem is that, like his good buddy Willie Nelson, he’s been smoking a tad too much pot. Every redneck, tobacco-chewing deputy sheriff I’ve ever met was raring to string up all them thar potheads.

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