Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Palestinian youths use the Temple Mount to hurl rocks at Israeli cops and at Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall below


By Howie Katz



Arab Muslim youth attack Jews from atop the Temple Mount
Muslims consider Jerusalem's Temple Mount a holy site.  That hasn't deterred Palestinian youths from using the Temple Mount as a base for hurling rocks at Israeli cops and at Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall below. 
The Palestinian youths are not just playing a game of cops and robbers.  They are deliberately trying to injure and kill the cops as well as the worshipers at the Western Wall. 
Cops, whether in Israel or the US, should meet lethal force with lethal force.  
In the US, cops will not use lethal force against those who throw rocks, bricks and Molotov cocktails at them for fear of being prosecuted for murder or attempted murder.
In Israel, cops will not use lethal force against Palestinian youths who are trying to injure and kill them with stones because they don't want to be accused of killing Palestinian children.  Those 'children' are mostly in their 20s.
Instead, the Israeli cops will only respond to the rock hurlers with tear gas and occasionally with stun grenades.  
Palestinian youths run from tear gas fired by Israeli security forces during clashes in the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount area.
The Palestinians are not deterred by tear gas or stun grenades.  Knowing that the cops will not use lethal force against them merely encourages the Palestinian youths to keep on trying to injure and kill the Israeli police.
Cops, whether in Israel or the US, should never be placed in a Catch-22 dilemma.  But that is exactly where they find themselves now.      


Fire balloon attacks on southern Israel have started again


By Howie Katz 

You do that to us:

Masked Palestinian supporters of the Islamic Jihad movement prepare incendiary balloons east of Gaza city, to launch across the border fence towards Israel The strikes, the military said, came in response to the launching of the balloons, which the Israeli fire brigade reported caused 20 blazes in open fields in communities near the Gaza border Prior to Tuesday's march, Israel beefed up its deployment of the Iron Dome anti-missile system in anticipation of possible rocket attacks from Gaza
Explosions light-up the night sky above buildings in Gaza City as Israeli forces shell the Palestinian enclave Israel's military said the explosions were a response to the launching of incendiary balloons that caused fires in fields in southern Israel Israeli forces shell the Palestinian enclave at Khan Yunis, ending the brief ceasefire Israel's new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, had said in the past that the Israeli government should not tolerate incendiary balloons Pictured: A Palestinian man sits on the rubble of a building destroyed by Israeli air strikes last month in Gaza City on June 15, 2021

Sunday, June 6, 2021


Israel has been condemned for using excessive force against Palestinian protesters

By Howie Katz

Whenever Israel responds to any attacks by Palestinians, the worldwide media accuses the Israelis of using unreasonable force.  That holds true whether the Isralis respond to a barrage of rockets from Gaza or a street riot.  

When the Israeli security forces try to control a Palestinian street riot, the media accuses them of using excessive force against the rioters who are only throwing rocks at them.

What the media rarely ever reports is that many of the Palestinians are not just only throwing rocks, but instead they are using slingshots to shoot those rocks.  The use of slingshots makes those rocks deadly weapons.


Pictured: A Palestinian demonstrator uses a sling to hurl stones at Israeli forces during a protest against Israeli settlements in Beita, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank June 4, 2021 A Palestinian demonstrator uses a sling to hurl stones at Israeli forces during a protest against Israeli settlements in Beita, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank June 4, 2021 A Palestinian demonstrator uses a slingshot to hurl stones at Israeli forces during a protest against Israeli settlements in Beita, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank June 4, 2021What kind of force do the security forces use against the sling-shooters and Molotov cocktail tossers?  Do those damn Jews shoot them like they should?  No, they only teargas those poor Palestinians.