Thursday, November 26, 2020


By Howie Katz

Today is the day we should all be thankful for the many blessings we enjoy in America.

And we should all be especially grateful to those in our armed forces who fought and died to protect those blessings.  We should also give thanks to the law enforcement officers who protect us every day.

Here's wishing all the readers of BGB and TUG a Happy Thanksgiving ... and that includes those who do not like my views.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



By Howie Katz


It's the bottom of the ninth. The Democrats are leading by one run over the Republicans, but the Republicans have loaded the bases.  Heavy hitter Donald Trump is at bat.  The count is 3 balls, 2 strikes.  Joe Biden, the Democratic pitcher, throws a screwball.  Trump swings and misses.   

Trump argues with the umpire that Biden threw an illegal pitch.  Republican team manager Rudy Giuliani joins in the argument while the fans are eagerly awaiting the decision. 


Several team members joined in and each one told the umpire that Biden's pitch was illegal because the Chinese had hacked into the ball to prevent Trump from getting the game winning hit. 


After some time that seemed like an eternity to the fans, an irritated umpire dismissed their arguments and ordered them off the field. 


Suddenly Sidney Powell jumps onto the field screaming that the umpire has been bribed by the Chinese communists and threatening to unleash the Kraken before two guys wearing white coats snag the crazy woman with a butterfly net and drag her off. 

Trump and Giuliani are appealing the outcome of the game to Commissioner John Roberts, but all the sports experts predict he will refuse to hear their arguments, or if he does, he will rule against them. .   


Diehard Trump fans, get this through your skulls: The ballgame is over!  


Staunch Trump  ally Chris Christie says it's time for the President to concede


By Howie Katz 


Big Jolly Times

November 24, 2020


Here is a lesson for President Trump from Kenny Rogers' song 'The Gambler':

                                  You've got to know when to hold 'em
                                  Know when to fold 'em
                                  Know when to walk away

The rules of the game are for an outgoing president to concede the election he has lost, to invite the incoming president to the White House, and to have his administration cooperate with incoming president's transition team, all of which Trump refuses to do. 

In refusing to concede the  election, Trump is either a delusional psycho or the egomaniac jerk he's been all his adult life. 

Trump, layers like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, and many who worshp at Trump's feet insist that the election was stolen from the president by the democrats using rigged Domino voting machines and other means of voting fraud.

An unhinged Giuliani clims to have hundreds of sworn affidavits attesting to the observation of voter fraud.  But the sworn statements of witnesses claiming they observed voter fraud is not hard evidence, and without hard evidence, Trump cannot prevail in the courts.

Fleischman: 'The moral of the story is you have got to go with your natural color. Then get the best haircut to make you look modern and younger'If Trump has any decency, he will concede the election, order his administration to cooperate with Biden's transition team, and invite Joe and Jill Biden for a visit at the White House.   

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Joe Biden has indicated that as president he would rejoin the disastrous nuclear deal drafted by former President Barack Obama and his Foreign Secretary John Kerry


By Howie Katz


Big Jolly Times

November 20, 2020


In 2015, former President Barack Obama and his Foreign Secretary John Kerry drafted s a nuclear deal with I ran that was joined by China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union.  The deal also lifted a freeze on $150 billion of Iran’s assets that were being held by US and foreign banks.

The deal was disastrous from the get-go because it allowed Iran to eventually develop nuclear weapons with which to destroy Israel.  And the freed-up $150 billion has been used to fund terrorist militias throughout the Middle East.

President Trump pulled out of the disastrous deal in May 2018.  According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran had been violating terms of the agreement even before Trump pulled out of the deal.

On November 14, the IAEA verified that Iran began feeding uranium gas into  recently installed advanced 174 IR-2m centrifuges at its Fuel Enrichment Plant deep underground in Natanz,.  That will allow Iran to produce a nuclear weapon in a relatively short time.

If Israel had any bombs that could penetrate the underground facilities at Natanz, the Israeli Air Force would have destroyed them after Obama's appeasement deal.  But Israel does not have any such bombs.

The US, however, does have bunker-buster bombs that penetrate deep underground and could cause serious damage to Iran's nuclear facilities.

Israel is not the only country that wants the US to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.  Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates also want the US to attack the Natanz facilities, and they want it done now. 

Joe Biden has indicated that as president he would rejoin the disastrous nuclear deal drafted by former President Barack Obama and his Foreign Secretary John Kerry in their attempt to appease Iran.

Although Trump has not conceded the election, it is quite clear that on January 20, Biden will become President of the United States.  All those affidavits attesting to voter fraud that Rudy Giuliani claims to have do not constitute hard evidence, and without hard evidence Trump cannot prevail in the courts.

According to reports, last week it took the combined persuasive powers of Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to talk Trump out of bombing the nuclear facilities at Natanz.

During his four years in office, Trump has often disregarded the advise of senior government officials.  Why he followed their advise in this instance is rather puzzling, especially since Iran is now close to acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Biden will allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons just like Obama allowed North Korea to become a nuclear powerhouse.  And Kamala Harris will kiss the feet of the mullahs rather than risk a war with Iran.   

In order to keep Biden from appeasing the mullahs by allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Trump should order a devastating air strike on the Natanz nuclear facilities, and he should do it now.  And if not now, most certainly before January 20!

If that creates a big mess for Biden-Harris, so much the better. 

Monday, November 16, 2020


Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance has been conducting a criminal probe into hush money payoffs made by Trump to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, as well as matters concerning his business affairs and taxes   

By Howie Katz


Big Jolly Times

November 15, 2020


While President Trump refuses to concede he has lost the election to Joe Biden and continues to claim he was the victim of massive voter fraud, it is a foregone conclusion that on December 14 the electoral college will elect the White Obama president.

Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz believes Trump is challenging Biden in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona in a bid to keep Biden from getting the 270 electoral college votes he needs to be declared president.  Dershowitz says keeping Biden from 270 would put the election on the House delegations – a state-by-state majority held by Republicans 26-23-1 – as designated by the constitution.  However, legal experts do not believe Trump can make this happen.   

Reports are circulating that in private Trump has admitted he is a dead duck and that he intends to run for president again in 2024.

But instead of running for president, Trump may be facing jail time instead.

Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance has been conducting a criminal probe into hush money payoffs made by Trump to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, as well as matters concerning his business affairs and taxes.  Trump or his companies have been accused of overstating the value of his assets when dealing with potential business partners and lenders while minimizing the value of those same assets for tax purposes.

Vance subpoenaed eight years' worth of Trump's tax returns.  Trump's lawyers and the Justice Department challenged the subpoena, claiming that as a sitting president, he could not be criminally investigated.  But in July, the Supreme Court ruled the president is not entitled to the broad immunity claimed by his lawyers and the DOJ.  Then in a 3-0 decision last month, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan rejected Trump's claims that the subpoena was overly broad and amounted to political harassment by the Democratic DA.  Trump is appealing that ruling to the Supreme court.

Trump is right.  Of course it's political harassment by a Democratic DA out to get the hated Republican president.  Had the Hildebeast won the presidency in 2016, Vance would never have looked into Trump's dalliances or business affairs.  But that doesn't really matter if Trump did actually commit any crimes.     

The Justice Department has held for decades that a sitting president is “constitutionally immune” from indictment and criminal prosecution.  If Vance has a strong case, he must be holding off on obtaining an indictment until Trump is out of office.  

On January 20, Trump will no longer be the sitting president and he will no longer be entitled to any protection he is provided by holding that office.  So, instead of running again for president, Trump could be facing some jail time instead.


Pelham school superintendent bans teachers fro wearing sweatshirts featuring thin blue line patch designed by daughter of slain NYPD officer

By Howie Katz 

Pelham is an affluent suburban town with a population of 12,000 just 14 miles northeast of midtown Manhattan.

Cara Caccavale, 44, is the daughter of NYPD detective George Caccavale who was slain in 1976 when she was just 20 days old.  To honor her father, Cara designed a sweat shirt featuring a thin Blue line patch.

A New York school district has banned staff from wearing this sweatshirt featuring the thin blue line patch honoring a slain NYPD officer

When some Pelham school teachers started wearing the shirt in class, Superintendent Cheryl Champ threw a fit.  She banned teachers from wearing Carla's sweat shirts, claiming it "has increasingly been perceived by students to be threatening in nature", making them feel "unsafe".      

What a load of supreme shit!  Champ is a chump.  The parents who complained to her should be ashamed of themselves.  That is if they even exist.

If I were the Pelham school superintendent, I would give every teacher one of those shirts and make wearing of them mandatory on every Monday.  And if Monday is a holiday, them the shirts must be worn on the following day. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020


By Howie Katz

During Friday's Trump press conference in the White House Rose Garden, reporters noticed something different about the president.

Gone was the orange hair.  Trump was gray headed.  That's right. his hair was completely gray.

Hmmm.  Either COVID-19 turned Trump's hair gray or the orange hair was a casualty of the election. 

Then again, the deep state may have been behind morphing the orange into gray. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020



By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times

November 11, 2020

Today is the day Americans honor all the men and women that have served honorably in the armed forces of the United States.

We especially honor all those who sacrificed their lives fighting for our country so that the BLM mobs can riot, torch buildings and cars, and loot businesses, so that those who never served in the military can vilify the police and hurl deadly objects at cops, and so that the radical-left can destroy the America they died fighting for.


Colorado World War II vet in famous Iwo Jima flag-raising photo shares  story | FOX31 Denver
The 7,000 US Marines, including two of my high school friends, who died on the sands of Iwo Jima must be turning over in their graves over what is taking place in our country nowadays.   

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


President Trump has believed throughout his presidency that he has been victimized by a deep state


By Howie Katz


Big Jolly Times

November 9, 2020


The term 'deep state' was coined in the 1990s to describe a hidden element within the Turkish government that waged a dirty war against Kurdish insurgents.  In Turkey it was known as "derin devlet" which literally translates to deep state.  Ever since, stories about deep states have been floated around both here and abroad.   

Former Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, joined by Rand Paul and Newt Gingrich among other prominent individuals, believe there is a deep state within the government that is trying to undermine the president.  Trump himself believes that he has been victimized by a deep state.

Where did they get the notion of a deep state trying to undermine President Trump?  From QAnon which claims a deep state consisting of the CIA, the FBI, the military, government bureaucrats and wealthy, powerful globalists (a dog whistle for Jews), all coordinated by former President Obama is trying to destroy the Trump presidency. 

And from none other than longtime conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, the voice behind Infowars who claims doctors working at the behest of the deep state tried to kill President Trump with experimental drugs while he was being treated for COVID-19 at Walter Reed Hospital.    

Jones has put forth crackpot theories of the government being behind the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building, and the Boston Marathon bombing.  Jones has also said that NASA faked the 1969 moon landing and that the Sandy Hook elementary school children massacre was a hoax with the grieving parents being actors.  And Jones was one of the leading proponents of the allegation that Obama was ineligible to be president because he was born in Kenya.

Polls show that QAnon and Jones have about half the country believing there is a deep state.  Trump has been a longtime admirer of Alex Jones.  During an appearance on Infowars, he praised Jones for having an “amazing” reputation.  And Jones has said that in a personal telephone conversation, Trump told him he was “one of the greatest influences I’ve ever seen.” 

Amazing reputation? Well yes. if you consider that Jones has promoted bat-shit crazy theories like chemicals being put into our drinking water by the government are turning frogs gay, that Sen. Cruz's father murdered JFK, that the government “can create and steer groups of tornadoes” as weather weapons, and that Hillary Clinton  is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor.  What's truly amazing is that Trump or anyone else would believe anything this crackpot says.

Trump has on several occasions repeated some of  Jones' crackpot theories, including the one that Sen. Cruz's father murdered JFK.  That has given the Trump-hating media more ammunition with which to attack him.

So, is here such a thing as the deep state operating within the government?  While there have been some FBI agents, CIA operatives and other bureaucrats actively working against President Trump, there is no evidence of an organized collusion between the CIA, the FBI, the military, government bureaucrats and wealthy, powerful globalists, all coordinated by former President Obama.

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer said it best:

I don’t believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Knights Templar, Bilderberg, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a vast right wing conspiracy, or, for that matter, a vast left wing conspiracy. Are there in the U.S. government individual bureaucrats that are Democratic holdovers that would love nothing more than to damage Trump? Yeah, of course there are. Is there a concealed web of conspirators, malevolent permanent hidden shadow government? Rubbish. And I would add that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone without the help of Ted Cruz’s father.     

In other words, there is a deep state that isn't.  But if you still believe in the tooth fairy, you might as well believe there is a deep state led by Barack Obama of the CIA, FBI, the military, government bureaucrats and wealthy Jews that colluded with the Chinese to unleash coronavirus on the US in order to destroy the Trump presidency.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Prayers by Israeli settlers for the reelection of President Trump were not answered; instead God gave us Biden-Harris 


By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times

November 6, 2020

The game is over.  Biden's last-minute tackle in Pennsylvania keeps Trump from scoring game-winning touchdown.

The Trump presidency restored America to greatness.  Now America faces a dark future. The words to "God Bless America" no longer apply.


2017 - 2020 
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home
2021 - 2024 
God damned America, land that I used to love
Stood against her and misguided her
Through the day and night with the radical left 
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God damned America, my home bitter home

On Monday, a large group of Israeli settlers prayed for President Trump's reelection at the Cave of the Patriarchs burial site, where Abraham is reputed to be interred.  Tragically, their prayers were not answered.  We got Biden-Harris instead.

Biden won, Trump lost.  Although the final results from Pennsylvania are not yet in, a win for Biden there seems a certainty.  And the courts are not going to deny Biden the presidency.  On December 14 the Electoral College will elect the White Obama as our next president.      

Trump has mostly himself to blame.  His tweets attacking anyone, friend or foe, who disagreed with him, and some of his outrageous statements cost him the votes of suburban college-educated women, a key segment of the electorate.

Even in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Trump could not refrain from letting his mouth overload his ass by declaring victory and calling the election a fraud.  Even some of his staunchest Republican friends blasted that statement. 

And on Thursday, Trump went on a 17-minute rant during which he claimed a conspiracy by the Democrats, the media and big tech was stealing the election from him.

Without a doubt, there have been irregularities in the vote counting.  As Caroline B. Glick reports:

In the wee hours of the night in Michigan, 138,339 mail-in ballots were counted. Biden won every single one of them. Hours after the stunning, vertical rise in Biden's numbers was reported, (and after Twitter censored Republicans, including President Trump who demanded an explanation), Michigan election officials claimed the numbers were a "data error." A glitchy vote-counting software accidentally added a zero – that is, 100,000 votes to Biden's tally. The same glitchy software accidentally forgot to enter the votes that Trump won. Oops.
In Wisconsin, Biden got a similar 120,000 vote boost during the night and when Republicans woke up on Wednesday morning, Trump's 4.7% lead had all but disappeared. Trump got none of the votes.

Glick also notes that in Nevada there have been 10,000 votes cast by non-residents.

But those irregularities do not make the whole election a fraud.  They could, however, in some instances change the election outcome in favor of Trump.

The media played a significant role in Trump's loss by poisoning the public's mind with daily attacks against Trump from before he took office.  In revenge for Trump having defeated their beloved Hillary, the media spread lies about him and failed to give him credit for his  numerous accomplishments.  And by his tweets and repetition of ridiculous conspiracy theories., Trump himself gave the media plenty of cannon fodder with which to shoot him down.

Conversely, except for the New York Post, the media went out of its way to shield Biden from any reports which might reflect poorly on their favorite candidate.  When the Post published stories about  Hunter Biden's shady foreign business dealings and his father's involvement in them, the rest of the media buried the story by falsely reporting it was fake news planted by the Russians to damage Biden's candidacy. 

Then there was the coronavirus pandemic which destroyed a booming Trump economy and brought into question his handling of the pandemic.  Trump consistently contradicted the scientists, displayed contempt for masks, and belittled the seriousness of the pandemic even as it surged throughout the country.  

The Trump campaign is calling for a vote recount in Wisconsin and there will be a vote recount in Georgia.  Recounts rarely ever change election outcomes so that a recount of the Wisconsin votes will be unlikely to overturn a Biden win there.  The same goes for any of the other closely contested states.  

Trump says he will take his election fraud cases to the courts.  Those cases must first be filed in a US District Court.  And  if the district and appellate courts rule against Trump, the Supreme Court will be most reluctant to repeat having to make a decision like the one in 2000 which declared George W. Bush to be the winner over Al Gore.  The Supreme Court will probably refuse to hear a challenge to the election outcome, but even if it does, the three justices appointed by Trump will likely side against him.

The only bright spot in the nationwide election is that Republicans gained seats in the House.  But the race to see who controls the Senate is not as good.  For Republicans to retain control of the Senate, Republican incumbents David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler must each win a January runoff election in Georgia against their Democratic challengers.  Retaining control of the Senate is crucial to keep the Democrats from packing the Supreme Court and enacting a socialist agenda now that AOC and her squad will pull Biden and the Democrats even further to the left.  

Texas remained red.  Locally the Republicans fared remarkably well considering that Harris County is overwhelmingly Democratic.  Most Republican office holders retained their seats.  The Republicans retained the seat on the Commissioner’s Court that was vacated by long-term incumbent Steve Radack.  And Trump garnered 48 percent of the Harris County vote, a figure that far exceeded what he was expected to get.  Unfortunately, our criminal-hugging district attorney swept her Democratic challenger away.

To make matters worse for the nation, there is the probability that Biden will be removed from office before the end of his term because he already shows signs of dementia.  That will make Kamala Harris president, and the uber-liberal is thrice as bad for America as the White Obama.

However, if the Republicans retain control of the Senate, Mitch McConnell will become the most powerful man in the nation.   That is because legislation passed by the Democrat controlled House will have to pass through McConnell before it can go to the president for his signature.  And McConnell is not about to let the Democrats pack the Supreme Court and he will not let any socialist legislation reach the desk of the president.  

While God has unleashed a plague upon us, let's all pray that Harris will not ever become president.  Hopefully, those prayers will be answered.   

Friday, November 6, 2020


The game is over.  Biden's last-minute tackle keeps Trump from scoring game-winning touchdown.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Predictions are for deadly riots bordering on an insurrection to occur, no matter who wins the presidency


By Howie Katz


Big Jolly Times

November 1, 2020


With just a couple of days to go before Tuesday's election, it does not look good for President Trump and for America.

The polls were wrong in 2016, but not exactly, since Hillary received three million more votes than Trump.  What the pollsters forgot to count on were the crucial battleground states that gave Trump the victory in the electoral college.  This time around, the polls are concentrating on those states and show Trump behind Biden.

My friends are convinced that Trump will win because of the massive crowds he's been drawing during his campaign rallies while Biden has been drawing flies to his rallies.  But those crowds or the lack of them is misleading.  There is little enthusiasm among most Democrats for Biden, which explains the sparse crowds he's been talking to.   

Hatred for Trump is the driving force behind most people who are voting for Biden.  They would vote for Vlad the Impaler before even considering the possibility of voting for Trump.   

The hatred for Trump has been fueled by the mainstream media which has never forgiven him for defeating their beloved Hillary.  The media has done a daily hatched job on Trump, beginning even before he took office. 

Trump has been painted as a racist who has divided our country.  But the truth is that it was Barack Obama who divided our country with his identity politics.  And if Biden wins, he can be expected to follow in Obama's dirty footsteps.

The media and Biden keep excoriating Trump for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The pandemic has really hurt Trump's chances because it has played havoc with our economy.  While the economy has been recovering somewhat lately, millions of Americans are still unemployed and many small businesses have closed forever. And Trump has not helped himself by downplaying the seriousness of COVIS-19, which he has been doing all along, and is doing now even as the country is experiencing a dramatic surge in the pandemic.  His contempt for masks has also hurt Trump.

While it looks bad for Trump, it also does not look good for Republican senators like John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell.  If they lose, the Democrats will gain control of the Senate and that, coupled with a Biden victory, will be disastrous for America.

Forgotten in all the media-fed hatred for Trump is the fact that Trump has kept almost all of his original campaign promises.   He has really made America great again after Obama reduced our military strength, appeased our foreign adversaries, signed trade deals that favored other countries over ours, and enacted regulations that drove businesses out of the country to China and Mexico. 

If Trump is reelected he will keep America great.  Once the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, his policies will reestablish a booming economy.  He will stand up against our foreign adversaries unlike Obama, who appeased them.  Trump will make sure our military remains superior to the growing military capabilities of China and Russia.  America needs President Trump, not Joe 'White Obama' Biden!                    

A Biden administration can be expected to return to the Obama policy of appeasement with our foreign adversaries.  It will reinstate the terrible Obama-Kerry nuclear deal with Iran.  It will rejoin the Paris Accord which if followed will hurt our economy.  Biden's promise to rid us of our dependence on fossil fuels will cost millions of Americans their jobs, far more than will be gained by his dependence on wind mills and solar panels. 

If Biden wins and the Democrats gain control of the senate, they will pack the Supreme Court with a bunch of liberal justices.  Then the Second Amendment will be shredded.  The death penalty will be abolished.  Prisons will be emptied and bail for most crimes will be abolished.  Criminals will be free to prey on the public with little fear of being punished if caught.

Under Biden the country will make a sharp turn to the left.  AOC and her squad will will be much more influential in the Democratic party and in congress.  Jews will rue the day they voted for Biden because the anti-Semitism displayed by Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and some members of the black caucus will spread within the Democratic party. And right-wing anti-Semitisam will also flourish because Jews will be blamed for Trump's loss.

Trump is up against the wall because of the economy. No president in the history of the US has ever been reelected during an economy that went south on his watch.  And then there is the hatchet job the media has been doing on him daily.  However, in Trump's favor is the breakdown of law and order by the BLM movement.

A big problem for Trump is that people have voted early in record numbers.  That leaves few undecided voters for Trump to collar in his last minute campaigning.  The question is, did the majority of early voters support Trump or Biden?  The polls would have us believe it's Biden.

But Robert Cahaly, who heads the Trafalgar Group polling firm, believes Trump will win.  He was the only major pollster who predicted the 2016 presidential race would be won by Trump.  Cahaly says the polls neglect what he calls the "Shy Trump Voter Effect."  By that he means that many people who told the pollsters they support Biden will vote for Trump.  Cahaly says those people lied to the pollsters because they were afraid to say they actually supported Trump.

Let's hope Cahaly is right again this time.  But predictions are for deadly riots bordering on an insurrection to occur no matter whether Trump or Biden wins.  So stay home with gun in hand on Wednesday or whenever the election outcome is finally determined.  

Because so many millions have voted by mail, we probably will not know the election results for days, if not weeks, after November3.  Counting all those mail-in ballots will take longer than usual.  And many states will allow extra time for ballots to arrive after Election Day if they’re postmarked on or before November 3.  

Rioting is expected even while the election results are still unknown.  So keep your guns handy just in case some crazed supporters of the looser try to break into your home.