Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Portland's mayor had his cops surrender the streets to white BLM mobs

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
July 28, 2020

The mayors of Portland, Seattle and Chicago are screaming bloody murder over President Trump's sending of federal agents to protect federal buildings from out of control mobs.

In Portland, the feds used flash bangs,  teargas and pepper balls against the mobs that were trying to attack the federal courthouse because local cops failed to restrain the unpeaceful protesters. 

The mobs were almost all-white, most of them being college students and graduates.

What really pissed off Portland's mayor and the BLM-loving media was that the feds had the audacity to chase the hooligans down the street in order to arrest some of those who threw objects at them before trying to flee the scene.  

Critics of the feds claim that their mere presence escalated the violence.

The feds were right in teargassing, pepper balling and chasing down the unpeaceful protesters.  If some actual peaceful protesters got hurt in the process, that's just tough shit.  They should have headed straight home the moment the mob tried to storm the courthouse.

Trump is reportedly sending an additional 100 deputy US marshals to Portland.

At the request of congressional Democrats, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has opened an investigation into the the use of force taken by the feds in Portland and in the nation's capital to clear the way for Trump to make his bible-waving photo-op in front of St. John's Church. 

President Trump was absolutely right in sending 114 federal law enforcement officers to Portland.  And under the circumstances, the amount of force used by the feds seemed to be appropriate.


The First Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits the government from abridging "the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

by Howie Katz 

Big Jolly Times
July 24, 2020 

When the Constitution was signed, the United States population was 4 million.  The founding fathers never envisioned a country from the Atlantic to the Pacific with a population of more than 300 million.

In their wildest dreams, the founding fathers did not envision automobiles, airplanes, television  or the internet.  And in their wildest dreams, they did not envision an assembly by thousands and thousands of protesters.

When they added the Bill of Rights to the constitution, the founding fathers envisioned an assembly of at most several dozen people.  People then traveled on horseback and if an assembly blocked a roadway, one could easily ride around it.  If the assembly blocked the entrances of buildings, one could still walk around the edge of the gathering to gain entrance to a workplace or shop.

That was then and this now.

For the past two months, the US has been embroiled in unending mass protests which began with the death of George Floyd at the knee of a Minneapolis cop.  Many of the peaceful protests included some rioting in which the police were assaulted and firebombed, historical statues were destroyed, stores were looted, and buildings set on fire.

Even when a mass protest is entirely peaceful, it can be unlawful.  If the protesters block a freeway, they are breaking the law.  If the protesters are preventing people from going to and from their place of employment, shops or home, they are breaking the law.

When the police try to stop such breaches of the law, the peaceful protesters then throw water bottles and other objects at the cops who are just trying to do their job.

When the founding fathers gave us the right to assemble, there was no media that could inflame the whole nation. 

Had the founding fathers envisioned the chaos this country is now experiencing, they might have placed some restrictions on the time of day when and the particular places where people have the right to assemble.  And well they should have.

NOTE: Instead of saying founding fathers, it would have been better had I said members of congress.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Black men are much more likely to be killed by other black men than by the police

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
July 21, 2020

Every time a cop kills a black man, especially when a white cop kills a black man, BLM screams bloody murder and gets people to protest and riot all over the country.

Thee latest protests and riots started on May 25 with the Death of George Flod in Minneapolis and are still continuing.

The unrest always starts with demonstrations by blacks in the wake of a black man killed by the police. The media reports of those demonstrations quickly get whites to join in. The mostly middle-class college-educated whites soon outnumber the black protesters, Prominent at all the protests are BLM signs and signs cursing the police.

The protests often turn into riots, with protesters hurling objects at the police, looting businesses and setting buildings on fire, including police stations in some instances. Whites are just as likely as blacks to participate in the riotous behavior. On May 30, two white Brooklyn lawyers firebombed an occupied police patrol car with Molotov cocktails. And on June 13, a white woman set an Atlanta Wendy’s on fire, the location where Rayshard Brooks was killed by a cop.

But BLM’s motive is not to save black lives, but to overthrow the government. BLM uses the killing o black men by cops to foment the unrest it hopes will achieve that goal. Black lives really do not matter to Black Lives Matter. If they did, BLM would concern it self with the daily killings of black men and children by black men in Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles and the country’s other urban centers. You never hear a single word about this carnage from BLM.

Black men are much more likely to be killed by other black men than by the police. Bureau of Justice Statistics for 2018 show that nonfatal violent crimes against black people were committed by other black people 70.3% of the time. And the FBI reports that in 2018, the killer  was black in 2,600 out of 2,925, or 89%, of homicide deaths of black victims.

Over the 4th of July weekend in Chicago, at least 70 people were wounded and 17 were killed there, almost all of them being black on black shootings. Children are often the victims of black on black killings. Nationwide, at least six children, ranging in age from 8 to 14, were killed during the 4th of July weekend. And on July 12, a one-year-old black baby was shot in the stomach and died when a black man shot at a group attending a family cookout in Brooklyn.

Baltimore has the highest rate of per capita shootings in the country. As in Chicago, almost all of those shootings are black on black shootings.

BLM is not the least bit concerned about any of the black on black killings, They do not fit in with the movement’s goal of overthrowing the government. They will not lead to the mass protests we are now experiencing.

The media will not expose BLM for what it really stands for. And if anyone dares to speak out against BLM, he is immediately branded a racist.

Instead of being condemned, BLM is being glorified throughout the nation. In Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser officially renamed a two-block-long section of 16th Street NW as the Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest and had a huge BLM mural painted on the street which leads to the White House. In New York. Sandinista-loving Mayor Bill de Blasio helped paint a similar mural on 5th Avenue in front of the Trump Tower. Seven other BLM street murals were painted throughout the city and those streets were also officially co-named after BLM. Those street murals have been painted in many other cities.

Many cities like New York, Washington, Seattle and Portland are giving the revolutionary movement free reign. In Chicago the police were condemned by city and state officials for preventing a BLM mob from tearing down the Columbus statue in Grand Park.

Here in Houston, Mayor Sylvester Turner and Police Chief Art Acevedo have embraced BLM. Acevedo even knelt with and hugged the protesters after 33 of his own officers had been injured and 16 HPD patrol cars were damaged or destroyed.

The protesters who established that autonomous zone in Seattle were white protesters, not black ones. The protesters who tried to tear down the Columbus statue in Chicago were white protesters, not black ones. The mobs in Portland are white mobs, not black mobs.

BLM is counting on its college-educated young white supporters to bring the government down. Sadly, the BLM revolution seems to be well on its way.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Even though Hakim Littleton shot at officers first, the protesters were out in force to condemn another killing of a black man by white cops

By Howie Katz

The BLM protests have hit a new low.

Just after noon on July 10, officers from Detroit' gang intelligence unit were investigating a July 5 shooting at a block party when they encountered two suspects, 19-year old Hakim Littleton and another man.  While the other man immediately dropped to his knees, Littleton drew out a gun and fired at the cops from 3 feet away.  Fortunately he missed. Three ops returned four shots that did not miss as they killed the worthless piece of shit.  While he was falling, Littleton fired three more shots.

It did not take long for the protests to begin and they continued even after the police released body cam footage showing Littleton fired first.  The protesters chanted "Black lives matter" and "Justice for Hakim Littleton! Fire and jail the killer cop!"  One black lady shouted at reporters that the cops should have shot Littleton  in the leg. 

Littleton's older brother, Rashad Littleton-Shafer told the media: "My brother was a good, good man. He was a warrior,"

A good, good man? Littleton was on probation for a 2017 unarmed robbery, and felony firearm conviction. He was initially charged with armed robbery, but cut a deal with the DA for the lesser charge and was sentenced to three years of probation.

A warrior?  Littleton's brother got that right.  The worthless piece of shit appears to have been a gangbanger.

What is outrageous here is that cops are being vilified for defending themselves against someone who intended to kill them. 


By Bob Walsh

The city of Berkeley is going to 100% stop traffic enforcement with their police department, because "too many motorists are being killed" in traffic stops. 
They are instead going to create an unarmed, non-office traffic enforcement department to do this work. 

It isn't real clear what the legal authority of a non-police officer is to make a traffic stop or demand the driver produce his drivers license.  With my reading of the CA penal code and motor vehicle code that authority is zero.

EDITOR'S NOTE: BLM is winning the war!  This absolutely absurd.  But then that's Berkeley. 


Fragility of the Woke


By Victor Davis Hanson


National Review

July 9, 2020


A TikTok video that recently went viral on social media showed a recent Harvard graduate threatening to stab anyone who said “all lives matter.” In her melodrama, she tried to sound intimidating with her histrionics.

She won a huge audience, as she intended. But her video also came to the attention of the company that was going to give her an internship later this summer, Deloitte, which decided it didn’t want to add an intern who threatened to kill strangers who said something she didn’t like.

This wouldn’t have been much of a story. But then the narcissistic Harvard alum posted a very different video — one that showed her weeping in a near-fetal position.

She fought back tears while complaining about how unfair the world had been to her. Her initial TikTok post had earned cruel pushback from the social-media jungle she had courted. Deloitte, she sobbed, was mean and hurtful. And she wanted the world to share her pain.

The Harvard grad instantly became an unwitting poster girl for the current protest movement and the violence that has accompanied it.

What turns off millions of Americans about the statue toppling, the looting, the threats, and the screaming in the face of police is the schizophrenic behavior of so many of the would-be revolutionaries.

On one hand, those toppling statues or canceling their own careers on the Internet pose as vicious Maoists — the hard-core shock troops of the revolution. Their brand is vile profanity, taunts to police, firebombs, and spray paint.

In homage to Italy’s Blackshirts of the past, they wear black hoodies, don makeshift helmets, and strap on ad hoc protective padding — part lacrosse attire, part cinematic Road Warrior costume.

The televised stereotype of the Antifa activist is a physically unimpressive but violent-talking revolutionary. He seems to strut in laid-back, blue-city Minneapolis but wisely avoids the suburbs and small towns of the nation’s red states. He spits at police when standing beside fellow agitators but would never do that when alone confronting an autoworker or welder.

When police march against the Antifa crowd and their appendages in order to clear the streets, they often scream like preteens, objecting to mean officers who dare to cross them.

When arrested, the trash talkers are usually terrified of being jailed or of having an arrest on their records.

Federal authorities are currently searching thousands of videos to ferret out looters, arsonists, and assailants. Perpetrators who are caught are shocked that the evidence that they once posted online in triumphant braggadocio is now being used to charge them with felonies.

What is going on?

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and their large numbers of imitators and loosely organized wannabes are mostly made up of middle-class youth, often either students or graduates. They deem themselves the brains of the rioting, the most woke of the demonstrators, the most sophisticated of the iconoclasts. In truth, they are also the most paranoid about being charged or being hurt.

What explains the passive-aggressive nature of these protesters and rioters?

Many no doubt are indebted, with large, unpaid student loans. Few seem in a hurry to get up at 6 a.m. each day to go to work to service loans that would take years to pay in full.

While some of those arrested are professionals, many are not. Few seem to be earning the sort of incomes that would allow them to marry, have children, pay off student-loan debt, buy a home, and purchase a new car.

Historically, the tips of the spears of cultural revolutions are accustomed to comfort. But they grow angry when they realize that they will never become securely comfortable.

In today’s high-priced American cities, especially on the globalized coasts, it’s increasingly difficult for recent college graduates to find a job that will allow for upward mobility.

The protestors are especially cognizant that their 20s are nothing like what they believe to have been the salad days of their parents and grandparents — who did not incur much debt, bought affordable homes, had families, and were able to save money.

Earlier generations went to college mainly to become educated and develop marketable skills. They weren’t very interested in ethnic and gender “studies” courses, ranting professors, and woke administrators. For the students of the 1960s who were, protesting was a side dish to a good investment in an affordable college degree that would pay off later.

But when such pathways are blocked, beware.

The woke but godless, the arrogant but ignorant, the violent but physically unimpressive, the degreed but poorly educated, the broke but acquisitive, the ambitious but stalled — these are history’s ingredients of riot and revolution.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


What it’s going to take to reverse New York City’s crime spike


By Bob McManus


New York Post

July 6. 2020

You say you didn’t like stop-and-frisk? Well, how do you like duck-and-cover?

Stop-and-frisk was a front-line NYPD safe-streets policy for two decades. So was broken-windows policing. As were the flying squads of anti-crime cops. They’re all gone now. Perhaps you think New York is better off without them?

If so, you’re complicit in the calamity that descended on Gotham over the holiday weekend: at least 11 people shot dead and 45 injured, including two cops whose patrol car came under fire in The Bronx. And all of this on top of the bloodiest June since 1996.

Not impressed? Maybe you should go out and help hose the gore off the sidewalks, if not today, then next weekend, or the next. This isn’t going to stop soon.

This new darkness isn’t a random, natural malevolence — unpredictable, unavoidable and thus demanding no accountability. It’s the result of a deliberate unstitching of arguably the most sophisticated and successful anti-crime strategy ever implemented in this nation.

Was it controversial? Yes. Imperfect and prone to overzealous application? Certainly. Might some other approach work just as well? Perhaps, but nobody has proposed one.

This can’t be repeated too often: Stop-and-frisk, broken-windows and anti-crime policing had a salutary effect in their own right. But as components of a textured strategy, those policies also did what toothless whining about “illegal guns” will never do: They made bringing those weapons onto the streets too risky a proposition for turnstile jumpers and petty pot dealers. Who wanted to get caught with one, when that meant mandatory hard time?

All that is history now. The de Blasio administration dismantled a winning strategy, one element at a time, and the results are clear: New York is not Chicago — 77 shot, 14 dead over the holiday — but it’s careering in that direction.

New York, city and state, has been hard at work disassociating crime and punishment for some time now — and bragging on it.

That’s what bail “reform” and “raise the age” of criminal culpability was all about. Remember when Gov. Cuomo and the Legislature’s leaders proclaimed the wisdom of those policies? Not so much now, since the shooting started.

The disassociation is also the prime motivator behind the #DefundthePolice demands so warmly embraced by city Comptroller Scott Stringer, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson and a solid majority of the council itself.

All this has sent a pernicious, two-pronged message to both cops and criminals: to the cops, stay in your patrol cars, it isn’t worth the risk to get out; to the criminals, do your damnedest, no one’s paying attention.

Cuomo says Gotham’s sanguinary weekend has left him “very concerned.” No doubt. Mayor de Blasio, his eyes deer-in-the-headlights wide as usual, promised Monday to “double down” on something, but that’s no answer. He did enough damage when he single-downed on the Giuliani-Bloomberg safety policies.

Everybody else has been fence-post dumb.

Except for de Blasio’s current police commissioner, Dermot Shea, who clearly gets it — and did from the start.

“[This] will be felt immediately in the communities that we protect,” said Shea last month when he disbanded the city’s ­anti-crime units, and was he ever right.

Monday, he had this to add: “You heard me say a storm was coming. And we’re in the middle of it right now. We can’t have a system where we have thousands of people with open gun cases out on the street with no repercussions,” the reference being to Cuomo’s bail “reform.”

“And, you know, to the elected officials, let’s start listening to the public and stop listening to advocates with agendas” — this, apparently, to the police ­defunders. “We have to do a better job of keeping people safe in this city,” concluded the commissioner.

Alas, words into the wind. For the truth is that the city needs to do a better job of keeping itself safe. That is to say, New York’s endless patience with its feckless, often downright cowardly political class has led directly from the relative safety of the post-David Dinkins era to de Blasio’s blood-spattered sidewalks.

Shea gets it, but his views have no weight. How he lives with this impotence is a curiosity. But ultimately, it’s his personal business.

His responsibility to New York, however, is something else. A principled protest resignation would send a message the political class couldn’t ignore. Extreme? Yes. Honorable, also. And, given the circumstances, necessary. 



by Bob Walsh

The Ghislaine Maxwell investigation is being handled by the FBI Public Corruption Unit.  I was not aware of that.  I have also heard the administrative head of the Metropolitan Detention Center, NY, where she has been housed has been told flat out that if anything untoward happens to her, he is in deep shit.  She is on a special security status, meaning she is NEVER without custody coverage.   This is a federal facility located in beautiful, downtown Brooklyn.  

Allegedly she has copies of EVERYTHING Epstein ever had, with extensive notes on EVERYBODY who ever got their rocks off at one of Epstein's homes, his private island or on his plane.  The DVDs are labeled.  They (again allegedly) show a LOT of very important people doing very nasty things with VERY young girls.  These people are alleged to include Prince Andrew, AKA Randy Andy, and the gossip mongers strongly imply that Bill Clinton is on the list.  Some weeks ago the notion was floated that Bill Clinton was actually banging Maxwell which is why he was around so much.   I personally believe that this is protective coloration being floated in hopes the whole mess will just go away, but I am not holding my breath on that.

(I wonder if they have pictures of Hillary muff-diving a Candy Stripper-Stewardess?)

The talking heads are openly speculating that Ms. Maxwell, who is upper crust and moderately wealthy in her own right, is really not interested in meeting Large Marge in some shitty prison in South Armpit, Arkansas and is preparing to sing like a flock of canaries in hopes of copping a walk, or at worst a Martha Stewart sentence.

What I can't figure out is why she didn't run weeks ago.  She has a French passport.  It is illegal for France to extradite French citizens.  A really nice home in New Hampshire couldn't have been worth that much too her, unless she has a thing for lumberjacks. 


by Bob Walsh

Tucker Carlson is a talking head on Fox News.  He is a little drove at times.  Usually in fact.  Tammy Duckworth is a Democratic senator from Illinois and is being considered to be Senile Joe's running mate.  She is a veteran and lost both legs when the helicopter she was piloting took an RPG hit in Iraq in 2004.  She has some been there-done that time.  She did 23 years and retired as a Lt. Colonel.

On his show on Monday Tucker asked her flat out about her statements the previous weekend on CNN.  He was more than a little puzzled-aggravated by her statement that "we should listen to the argument" made by people who want to remove George Washington from the public record.  Tucker asserted flat out that she hates the United States.

He tried to pin her down on her statement and asked if she was in favor of removing Washington from the public record.  She tap-danced impressively for someone with artificial legs.  Like a good politician she refused to answer the question.  In a Tweet later she suggested that Tucker might want to walk a mile in her legs before he comes after her.  She still refused to actually answer the question.

She deserves some dignity and respect for her record.  That, however, should NOT insulate her from being asked political questions since she has voluntarily chosen to enter the political arena.  Benedict Arnold had an outstanding record of service before he became a traitor.  John McCain had an outstanding record until he became a senile elderly curmudgeon.  The past is no guarantee of the future.   


Mossad said to foil Iranian attacks on Israeli embassies in Europe, elsewhere


The Times Of Israel 

July 6, 2020


The Mossad spy agency recently foiled planned or attempted Iranian attacks on Israeli diplomatic missions in Europe and elsewhere, according to a report Monday.

The report by Channel 12 said the names of the countries where attacks were prevented remain under censorship, but cooperation with them helped to thwart the attacks.

“Frustration is growing fast in Iran,” the report said.

No other details were available, and no sources were named.

In 2012, Iran and its Lebanese proxy, the terror group Hezbollah, seemingly attempted to carry out a number of attacks against Israeli diplomatic missions in India, Georgia, Thailand, and elsewhere.

Monday’s Channel 12 report also said that an attack on the Natanz nuclear facility in Iran, credited to Israel, had managed to set back Tehran’s uranium enrichment program by two years, citing Western intelligence estimates.

A report by Channel 13 on Sunday claimed the attack only set back the work by a single year.

A Middle Eastern intelligence official was quoted Sunday by The New York Times as saying the fire that damaged a building used for producing centrifuges at Natanz was sparked by Israel.

The unidentified official said the blast Thursday at the nuclear complex was caused by a powerful bomb.

A member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps also told the American newspaper that an explosive was used, but did not specify who was responsible.

The Middle Eastern intelligence official said Israel was not linked to several other recent mysterious fires in Iran over the past week.

Former defense minister Avigdor Liberman has hinted that the official cited in the report is Mossad chief Yossi Cohen.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that he would extend Cohen’s term until June 2021, citing unspecified “security challenges.” The spymaster is famed in the Mossad ranks as an operations man. Under his watch, the Mossad has grown in personnel and budget, and has reportedly focused on espionage operations targeting the Iranian nuclear program.

An Israeli TV report Friday night said that Israel was bracing for a possible Iranian retaliation if it determines that Jerusalem was behind the Natanz explosion.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz played down the speculation on Sunday, saying that not everything that happened there could be blamed on Israel.

Iran admitted Sunday that Natanz incurred “considerable” damage from the fire last week, as satellite pictures appeared to show widespread devastation at the sensitive facility.

Iran had sought to downplay the damage from the blaze, though analysts said it had likely destroyed an above-ground lab being used to prepare advanced centrifuges before they were installed underground.

“We first learned that, fortunately, there were no casualties as a result of the incident, but financial damages incurred to the site due to incident were considerable,” said Iran’s atomic agency spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi.

He confirmed that the damaged building was a centrifuge assembly center and not an “industrial shed,” as earlier claimed.

“More advanced centrifuge machines were intended to be built there,” he said, adding that the damage would “possibly cause a delay in development and production of advanced centrifuge machines in the medium term.”

Authorities have pinpointed the source of the fire, but are withholding the information for national security reasons, he said.

The building was first constructed in 2013 for the development of advanced centrifuges, though work was halted there in 2015 under the nuclear deal with world powers, he added.

When the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal, the work there was renewed, Kamalvandi said.

He said that the fire had damaged “precision and measuring instruments,” and that the center had not been operating at full capacity due to restrictions imposed by Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Iran began experimenting with advanced centrifuge models in the wake of the US unilaterally withdrawing from the deal two years ago.

In 2018, Iran showed off IR-2, IR-4 and IR-6 centrifuges at the site, in what was seen as a warning to Europe to stick to the nuclear deal after the withdrawal from the accord by the US. Pictures have also purported to show IR-8 centrifuges at Natanz, though Iranian officials have also said the site could not yet handle the ultra-advanced centrifuges.

The fire was one of a series of mysterious disasters to strike sensitive Iranian sites in recent days, leading to speculation that it may be the result of a sabotage campaign.

Iran long has denied seeking nuclear weapons, though the IAEA previously said Iran had done work in “support of a possible military dimension to its nuclear program” that largely halted in late 2003.

Western concerns over the Iranian atomic program led to sanctions and eventually to Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. The US, under President Donald Trump, unilaterally withdrew from the accord in May 2018, leading to a series of escalating attacks between Iran and the US, and to Tehran abandoning the deal’s production limits.


DeSean Jackson posts anti-Semitic quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler


By Greg Joyce


New York Post

July7, 2020


DeSean Jackson is in hot water after posting anti-Semitic quotes to his Instagram account and then trying to defend his point.

The Eagles wide receiver posted one quote attributed to Adolf Hitler and also endorsed a speech from Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam who “routinely accuses Jews of manipulating the U.S. government and controlling the levers of world power,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Jackson showed a highlighted quote that said it was from Hitler, though its origins appear to be in doubt. The highlighted part included, “… the Jews will blackmail America. [They] will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were.”

Jackson, 33, later tried to clarify his intent on Monday, re-posting a picture of the quote with his own caption.

“Anyone who feels I have hate towards the Jewish community took my post the wrong way,” Jackson wrote. “I have no hatred in my heart towards no one!! Equality equality.”

But Jackson has published other posts, one showing a picture of Farrakhan making a speech, with his own caption saying, “This man powerful[.] I hope everyone got a chance to watch this !! Don’t be blinded. Know what’s going on!!”

Farrakhan’s speech talked about police brutality, racism and COVID-19, according to Crossing Broad, but the 87-year-old has compared Jewish people to “termites” in the past.

Former Eagles president Joe Banner was among those to condemn Jackson for his social media posts.

“If a white player said anything about [African Americans] as outrageous as what DeSean Jackson said about Jews tonight there would at least be a serious conversation about cutting him and a need for a team meeting to discuss,” Banner, who is Jewish, tweeted Monday night. “Which would be totally appropriate. Absolutely indefensible.”

Jackson also posted a clip of Melinda Gates saying the populations most vulnerable to COVID-19 — “In our country, that would be blacks and Native Americans,” she said — should be among the first to get a potential vaccine.
“Disgusting ass ppl !!” Jackson wrote. “You get the vaccination first.. dumb broad !!”

EDITOR'S NOTE: Just another black anti-Semite.  


'We thought it was the end': Armed St Louis couple describe moment '300-500 BLM protesters broke down gate and got within 30ft of their mansion while threatening to kill them and burn down their house'


By Harry Howard 


Daily Mail

July 7, 2020


A St Louis couple who made headlines after they were pictured standing on their porch aiming guns at Black Lives Matter protesters claimed up to 500 demonstrators broke down their gate and threatened to kill them. 

Photos of the couple, lawyers Mark and Patricia McCloskey, standing outside their palatial property armed with an AR-15 and a handgun were beamed around the world at the end of June.

On Friday, hundreds of demonstrators returned to their upscale neighbourhood to protest once more and the couple were seen tentatively peering from their balcony. 

And speaking to Fox News on Tuesday about the first incident, prominent personal injury lawyer Mr McClosky said: 'It was shocking. The gate came in. Seemingly everybody in the world came forward. I think the estimate is 300-500 people. 

'They came right towards us. We were preparing to have dinner on the porch and we were literally 70 feet from the gate. 

'By the time we got our guns, by the time I got my gun, the crowd was probably 30 or 40 feet from us. We thought it was the end. People were screaming everything.'

Asked what the protesters were shouting at them, Mrs McClosky added: 'That they were going to kill us, they were going to come in there, they were going to burn down the house, they were going to be living in our house after I was dead.'

She said they pointed to different rooms in the house and said "that's going to be my bedroom" before threatening to kill their dog when it barked.

Mr McClosky said he started trying to arrange private security for the house when the couple received a tip saying the protesters were planning to come back to 'get us and burn the house'. 

'We had been told that the city police had been ordered to stand down, we had been told there was going to be no official help,' he said. 

'Our neighbourhood association put out a flyer saying if people broke in they were just going to let them. 

'So we started trying to hire private security and entity after entity said they did not want to get involved.'

The situation became so bad that the couple started 'hiding' their valuables and were told by one security firm of former special forces members to 'walk away' and 'abandon' the house. 

Instead, the couple stayed put and said the second protest was loud but non-violent.

The local police were there and the couple did eventually get their own security.

'We had a good routine on Friday. The local police stood up like champs and we had our own security,' he added.

'Everything happened just like it’s supposed to happen. The crowd was loud but they weren’t allowed to do anything wrong.'

At the second protest on Sunday, the couple were seen sitting on their balcony with their attorney as private security patrolled up and down.

Demonstrators chanted and brandished placards outside the residence for around 15 minutes before moving on.

In an earlier interview recalling what happened, Mr McCloskey claimed his and his wife's actions had nothing to do with race and that he did not know what race the protesters were.  

McCloskey claimed that his actions had nothing to do with race and that he didn't care what race the protesters were.   

'Here's the interesting thing, I spent my career defending people that are defenseless for people who are having a hard time making their oracle happen, for people that don't have a voice,' he continued.

'My black clients love us. The night this happened I had some of our black clients calling us, telling us how wrong it was the way the press was writing us up, telling us how wrong it was that we should be portrayed as racist.

'This is what I do for a living. I help people that are down or that need a hand and people that need a voice,' McCloskey added. 

'To call us racist is ridiculous and it had nothing to do with race. I wasn't worried what the race was [of] the mob that came through my gate, I was worried that I was going to be killed. I didn't care what race they were.'

The video of the couple's standoff went viral with some supporting the pair's right to protect their private property and others claiming that they broke the law by threatening a peaceful protest.  

Police said that people in the crowd yelled threats at the couple and that the McCloskeys would not be charged. 

They added that they are still investigating but labeled it a case of trespassing and assault by intimidation against the couple by protesters in the racially diverse crowd.

According to the NRA, state law does not prohibit the open carrying of firearms, but does prohibit exhibiting 'any weapon readily capable of lethal use' in an angry or threatening manner in the presence of one or more persons. 

Exhibiting a weapon in this way would likely be a Class D felony punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine not to exceed $5,000. 

According to the St. Louis American, however, the 'Castle Doctrine' allows people to use deadly force to attack an intruder on their property.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The BLM supporting media keeps calling the BLM mob "peaceful protesters" although they tore down a fence to gain access to the gated community and tore down the McCloskey's gate to enter their garden.


U.N. expert deems U.S. drone strike on Iran's Soleimani an 'unlawful' killing


By Stephanie Nebehay



July 6, 2020


GENEVA -- The January U.S. drone strike in Iraq that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and nine other people represented a violation of international law, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Monday.  


The United States has failed to provide sufficient evidence of an ongoing or imminent attack against its interests to justify the strike on Soleimani’s convoy as it left Baghdad airport, said Agnes Callamard, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

The attack violated the U.N. Charter, Callamard wrote in a report calling for accountability for targeted killings by armed drones and for greater regulation of the weapons.

“The world is at a critical time, and possible tipping point, when it comes to the use of drones. ... The Security Council is missing in action; the international community, willingly or not, stands largely silent,” Callamard, an independent investigator, told Reuters.

Callamard is due on Thursday to present her findings to the Human Rights Council, giving member states a chance to debate what action to pursue. The United States is not a member of the forum, having quit two years ago.

Soleimani, leader of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, was a pivotal figure in orchestrating Iran’s campaign to drive U.S. forces out of Iraq, and built up Iran’s network of proxy armies across the Middle East. Washington had accused Soleimani of masterminding attacks by Iranian-aligned militias on U.S. forces in the region.

“Major General Soleimani was in charge of Iran military strategy, and actions, in Syria and Iraq. But absent an actual imminent threat to life, the course of action taken by the U.S. was unlawful,” Callamard wrote in the report.

The Jan. 3 drone strike was the first known incident in which a nation invoked self-defense as a justification for an attack against a state actor in the territory of a third country, Callamard added.

Iran retaliated with a rocket attack on an Iraqi air base where U.S. forces were stationed. Hours later, Iranian forces on high alert mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger airliner taking off from Tehran.

Iran has issued an arrest warrant for U.S. President Donald Trump and 35 others over Soleimani’s killing and has asked Interpol for help, Tehran prosecutor Ali Alqasimehr said on June 29, according to the semi-official Fars news agency. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


The big lies are that black men are 2,5 times mope likely than white men to be killed by the police and that black children may be killed by police officers whenever they go outside

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
July 6, 2020

In these turbulent times, one thing is crystal clear.  BLM is succeeding in fomenting hatred of the police.  In that, BLM has been getting help from notable Democrats like Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as well as NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell..

When in July 2016 five Dallas police officers were slain in an ambush by a black man, then President Obama said black parents were right to fear that their children may be killed by police officers whenever they go outside.  When George Floyd was murdered by a white cop, Obama called for police reform and said that it was “tragically, painfully, maddeningly ‘normal’” for millions of black Americans to be treated differently by a racist criminal justice system.

When Floyd was killed, Joe 'White Obama' Biden said that that all blacks fear for their safety from “bad police” and black children must be instructed to tolerate police abuse just so they can “make it home.”

A shameless Roger Goodell has joined the ranks of those who openly express their hatred of the police.  He apologized to Colin Kaepernick and the league's black players for failing to recognize the suffering blacks have experienced at the hands of the police.  And the NFL is now considering listing the names of blacks killed by the police on uniforms through decals on helmets or patches on jerseys.  My question to Goodell: How about decals and patches listing the names of cops killed by black men?  Oh, there isn't enough room on the helmets and the patches would cover the whole jersey, both front and back, as well as the sear of their pants.

I have called for the police to boycott the NFL and stop providing security during the league's games.  But the cops are not willing to give up those cushy off-duty jobs which pay them with blood money ... the blood of their fellow officers that have been killed by black men

And what about the now revered Kaepernick? When the riots broke out in Minneapolis, he called for a revolution.  Kaepernick called the looters, arsonists and the thugs who attack the police “freedom fighters” and set up a fund to pay their legal expenses.  You can look for the sorry asshole to be rewarded by the NFL for that with his signing by one of the teams.    

America's 800,000 law enforcement officers have about 375 million annual encounters with civilians.  The vast majority of those encounters are uneventful.  With that many LEOs thee are bound to be some cops who are racists, rapists, child molesters, psychologically challenged and unlawful killers, but they are only a very tiny fraction among the nations police forces.

And with 375 million annual encounters there are bound to be some encounters between civilians and bad cops.  Even though cases of police brutality are a daily occurrence, they are a very tiny fraction of all the police encounters with civilians.  But the media keeps cherry picking acts of police brutality to the extent that they appear to represent common police behavior.  And the media does BLMs bidding by highlighting the incidents where white cops kill black men.

Joseph Goebbels, who was Hitler's propaganda minister said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."  BLM. Obama and Biden would make Dr. Goebbels proud.  The big lie is that black men are 2,5 times mope likely than white men to be killed by the police.  The big lie is Obama saying that black parents are right to fear that their children may be killed by police officers whenever they go outside.  The big lie is Biden saying that all blacks fear for their safety from “bad police” and black children must be instructed to tolerate police abuse just so they can “make it home.”

And  since all those big lies are repeated time after time, the result is that,  as Goebbels would have predicted,  people have come to hate the police and now believe that cops are racists looking to mistreat and kill black men.

What about all those black men that have been shot by 'racist' killer cops?  Another big lie!  There is no evidence that any of the officers involved in the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks for instance were racists.  Daniel Pantaleo, a good NYPD cop, was unjustly fired for trying to subdue a 395-pound Eric Garner who kept shoving several other cops away while resisting arrest.  Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis cop who murdered Floyd, was merely a jerk who should have known better than to keep his knee on the victim's neck after he called out that he couldn't breathe.

Since blacks constitute only 13 percent of the population that 2.5 figure is disingenuous because, as Heather Mac Donald, the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, reports: "African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.  The share of black victims [of police shootings] is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects."

BKM was never about saving black lives.  It is not concerned about the daily killings of blacks by blacks in the nation's urban centers.  And it is actually not concerned about blacks killed by cops.  The BLM movement was co-founded by Patrisse Cullors, an avowed Marxist, with the aim of overthrowing the American government.  BLM uses the instances of white cops killing black men to create the kind of chaos that can bring down a government.

The mobs of protesters have succeeded in paralyzing the police.  In Seattle they set up a cop-free zone and police officers had to be rescued by helicopters from the rooftop of their besieged precinct headquarters.  In NYC, the mobs have set up an encampment at city hall and defaced the building with no police interference.

Droves of NYPD officers are prematurely putting in for retirement because they have been so demonized by the media and become hated by the very people they have been protecting from criminals.  As one NY cop put it, the police feel like Vietnam veterans coming home to a country that hates them.  And cops all over the country are afraid to do their job for fear of being arrested to face charges of assault and murder.

The cops are not interfering with the defacing and destruction of statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus and Confederate war heroes,  For instance, on July 4th a BLM mob in Baltimore toe down a statue of Columbus and tossed it into the harbor while the police who were present did absolutely nothing.

Jonathan S. Tobin, the editor-in-chief of JNS, notes: "If history teaches us anything, it is that a nation that destroys art and all symbols of the past quickly moves from attacking mixed-metal statues to live human beings.  So if you think that once all the Confederates will be toppled that it will just be statues of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson that are in danger, you're wrong."

In 1936, my family and I came to the good old USA.  Until now, I've never seen such undeserved hatred of the police. 

In order to overthrow the government you must first paralyze the police.  The BLM mobs are doing exactly that.  If you look at pictures of the protesters, you  will see many more whites than blacks.  They have been conned by the oft repeated big lies.

BLM is using the big lies to do what the Japanese tried but couldn't do ... destroy America.  Tojo, Hitler and Goebbels must be laughing in their graves.       


by Bob Walsh

For those of you not in the know "Karen" has become a standardized pejorative for an entitled White woman who doesn't like Black folks all that much and is too stupid to not care who knows it.

One of the early "Karens" is Amy Cooper, the off-leash dog walker who called the cops in central park N Y to complain that a Black man, who happened to be a bird watcher, threatened her.  He in fact did NOT threaten her, he just asked her to put her dog on a leash as required by law.  Fortunately for him the whole thing was recorded.

Ms. Cooper is being charged with Third Degree False Reporting.  She is scheduled for arraignment on October 14.  I am confident there will be a LOT more press there than she would like.  

EDITOR'S NOTE: There have been a number of other 'Karens' across the country in addition to this disgusting racist.


by Bob Walsh

By a vote of 9-0 SCOTUS ruled yesterday that members of the Electoral College who are constrained by state law MUST follow those laws when they cast their votes for El Presidente de los Estados Unidos.  

Approximately 2/3 of the states have specific laws that require electors to follow the popular vote that put them in place.  Some of these states require that the electors go with that direction for at least one, and sometimes more than one, ballot at the convention.

As you are hopefully aware if you are reading this we do not actually have a national election for President.  We have 56 states, districts and territories who select electors who are the ones who ACTUALLY vote for president.  You probably recall that there have been presidents who LOST the popular vote but won the electoral vote, most recently the current president.


Atlanta Mayor On Death Of 8-Year-Old Girl: ‘We Are Doing Each Other More Harm Than Any Police Officer On This Force’


Daily Wire News

July 5, 2020


Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms slammed the local community on Sunday during a press conference about the death of 8-year-old Secoriea Turner, who was killed on Saturday evening when an armed group of individuals opened fire on a car that she was riding in near the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed last month.“


Officers said they responded to a 911 call near University Avenue and I-75/I-85 around 9:50 p.m.,” WSB-TV reported. “The location of the shooting was in a parking lot across the street from the now burned-out Wendy’s, which has been occupied by demonstrators since Brooks’ death at the hands of an Atlanta police officer.”


At a press conference, Bottoms slammed the violent act and noted that locals were inflicting more harm on the community than any police officer ever has.


“Secoriea Turner was shot and killed last night, and it was not by the hands of police officers,” Bottoms said. “It was by the hands of a coward, cowards, who are still out and about in our community. This happened … near the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed a few weeks ago.”


“We’ve talk a lot about what we are demanding from our officers in our communities,” Bottoms continued. “We’ve protested, we’ve demonstrated, we’ve been angry, we’ve cried, we’ve demanded action. We’ll now we’re demanding action for Secoriea Turner and for all of the other people who were shot in Atlanta last night and over the past few weeks because the reality is this – these aren’t police officers shooting people on the streets of Atlanta, these are members of the community shooting each other, and in this case, it is the worst possible outcome.”


“Enough is enough. Enough is enough,” Bottoms continued. “We have talked about this movement that’s happening across America in this moment in time where we have the ears and the interest of people across this country and across this globe who were saying they want to see change. … We’re fighting the enemy within when we are shooting each other up on our streets in the city and you shot and killed a baby. And it wasn’t one shooter, there were at least two shooters. An 8-year-old baby. If you want people to take us seriously, and you don’t want us to lose this movement, then we can’t lose each other.”


“You can’t blame this on a police officer, you can’t say this is about criminal justice reform. This is about some people carrying some weapons who shot up a car with an eight-year-old baby in the car,” Bottoms concluded. “We got to stop this. We are doing each other more harm than any police officer on this force. We’ve had over 75 shootings in the city over the past several weeks. You can’t blame that on APD. So, I’m just asking you to please honor this baby’s life. Please, if you know who did this, please turn them in. These people are a danger to all of us.”


Vandals Deface Martinez ‘Black Lives Matter’ Street Mural


CBS SF Bay Area

July 5, 2020


MARTINEZ, Calif. -- Authorities intensified their search Sunday for a man and woman who defaced the “Black Lives Matter” mural painted on a downtown Martinez street.

The Martinez police released links to YouTube videos of the vandalism incident and released a photo and description of their truck.

The vehicle was a Nissan pickup truck with the word “NICOLE” on the right side of the tailgate in silver lettering. The truck has a camper shell and the license plate is 52701B1.

According to a release from police chief Chief Manjit Sappal office, community members had obtained a permit from the city to paint “Black Lives Matter” on Court Street in downtown on July 4.

“The community spent a considerable amount of time painting this mural only to have the suspects destroy it by dumping and rolling paint over part of the message,” the release said.

Investigators said once the street mural was complete, community organizers left the area. It was then that an unidentified white male and white female arrived.

While the male made comments to a group of onlookers his companion began painting over the mural’s yellow letters with black paint. At one point she made a statement that this was not “happening in my town.”

She also asked the male to get her another can of paint to continue with the act of vandalism. It appeared that the couple came to the mural with several cans of paint and a roller with the specific purpose of vandalizing the mural.

The police were called but by the time they arrived, the suspects were gone. A witness provided them with a photograph of the suspect’s vehicle.

The case is currently under investigation and if any members of the public can identify the male and female involved in this incident please call our Dispatch Center at 925-372-3440 with the information.

“The community spent a considerable amount of time putting the mural together only to have it painted over in a hateful and senseless manner,” the release said. “The city of Martinez values tolerance and the damage to the mural was divisive and hurtful. Please help us identify those that are responsible for this crime, so they can be held accountable for their actions.”

“What happened yesterday to deface that mural was hostility in an ugly form,” city councilwoman Noralea Gipner said Sunday morning on social media. “Permission was given to put that there but permission was not given to deface it.”

More than 100 people — all wearing masks and almost all showing concern for social distancing — had helped paint the words over a five-hour period Saturday. This “public art project” was organized by the local group Martizians for Black Lives, which asked the city of Martinez Recreation Department for permission to paint the mural.

Justin Gomez of Martinez, a lead facilitator for Martizians for Black Lives, said the project came together quickly. It was spurred not only by the similar murals in other cities but by the discovery by two people June 28 of anti-Black Lives Matter fliers about a half-block apart on a residential sidewalk near downtown Martinez. Those fliers ignited a community-wide discussion of how people are treated.

“People have now seen racism in their community; now we have to confront it,” Gomez said as dozens of people used rollers to apply yellow paint to the street in front of the Justice Wakefield Taylor Courthouse a few feet away.

Rachel Deikman, a Martinez resident, agreed. “Black lives are marginalized and there needs to be a difference made,” she said. “And now’s the time.”

It was no accident the big yellow letters “Black Lives Matters” were applied in front of a courthouse, Gomez said. He said the legal system is a “gateway to mass incarceration” that has disproportionately made Black people and other people of color victims, and has helped perpetuate institutional racism.

“The ‘system’ is made up of millions of little systems,” Gomez said. “We have to look locally first.”

He said he has been heartened by the swift denunciation of the racist fliers by local elected and civic leaders. One of those leaders was city councilman Mark Ross.

“Our town will not be deterred and such hateful acts will only coalesce us as the kind and forward leaning community we are,” Ross wrote on social media the day after the fliers were reported.

Getting the street mural approved so quickly, Gomez said, is further proof the city is committed to addressing the issue.

As of Sunday afternoon, the one block of Court Street was still blocked off, the mural intact, now surrounded by dozens of chalk images. 

EDITOR'S NOTE: I think the 'vandals' should be given a "Good Citizen" award. 


Israeli Cabinet approves drastic measures to curb coronavirus infection rate


Israel Hayom

July 6, 2020


The government announced new mandatory shutdown of gyms and pools on Monday, as well as limits on the number of people in synagogues, restaurants and other venues.

The measures are to be fast-tracked by the Knesset as early as Monday and are essentially a return to some of the restrictions that had been in place during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

The number of people visiting restaurants will now be limited to 20 indoors and 30 outdoors; the number of worshippers attending prayer services will be capped at 19 and the number of passengers on buses must not exceed 20. Summer camps will be canceled as well.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Israel has reached 30,162, the Health Ministry said Monday, with 817 patients diagnosed over the past 24 hours. According to the ministry's data, 332 Israelis have died from COVID-19 disease and 17,974 have recovered from it.

So far, 11,563,642 people worldwide have contracted the virus, which has claimed 536,880 lives. According to the World Health organization, some 6,538,541 people have recovered from it.

The Health Ministry said that 4.6% of corona tests have come back positive compared to 2.5% last month. There are currently 11,664 active cases and 17,752 tests have been performed since Sunday.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, Israel has performed over a million tests for the coronavirus. Some 40,000 Israelis have been asked to self-isolate after coming in contact with a verified patient.

The new effort to stem the second wave of the pandemic, which many healthcare professionals warn is quickly spiraling out of control, has come amid concern that hospitals may not cope with the rising number of patients.

Finance Minister Israel Katz told Army Radio that at this time the restrictions will stop short of another nationwide lockdown.

Also on Monday, the military has canceled reservists' training scheduled for the coming weeks, in an effort to keep the virus from dealing a blow to the armed forces.

Currently, 447 soldiers and officers have been infected with COVID-19 and 240 have recovered from it. Some 5,000 soldiers and officers are currently isolated over potential exposure to the virus.

The military has also assigned 300 soldiers to help the Health Ministry with its epidemiological queries of patients.

On Sunday evening, 220 corona patients were diagnosed in a yeshiva in Bnei Brak, prompting rabbis of all streams to urge the ultra-Orthodox public to abide by Health Ministry guidelines.

The rabbis have reportedly formed a special rabbinical court to discuss the fate of seminaries that fail to meet the necessary criteria and that may be shuttered.
Fifteen yeshivas [Orthodox Jewish schools and colleges] have been defined as "ticking time bombs" and may have to close down, one rabbi said. 


'We haven't reached the point of no return'

Meanwhile, a Health Ministry official warned that "unless serious steps are taken at this time, we'll have to impose far more serious restrictions later."

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein leveled harsh criticism at the public over its lax discipline, telling the other members of the so-called corona cabinet, "What's the use having guidelines if the public won't follow them? If no one is enforcing them?"

He warned that unless the government takes significant steps and the public follows social distancing guidelines, the ministers may find that they have no choice but to impose a second nationwide lockdown.

Professor Galia Rahav, head of the Infectious Disease Unit at the Sheba Medical Center, told Israel Hayom that observing social distancing in the only way to avoid a full-scale economic closure.

"We haven't reached the point of no return," she said. "I'm sure no one wants another lockdown but that means strict enforcement of social distancing guidelines."

Israel last week again tasked the Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency to track the location of coronavirus patients as means of assisting the Health Ministry's epidemiological probes.

As of Monday morning, tens of thousands of Israelis have received text messages advising them they have been exposed to COVID-19 patients and ordering them to self-isolate.

The text messages, sent the Health Ministry, state the exact time and place where close contact with a person carrying the disease had occurred, however, a growing number of Israelis claim that the tracking process is incorrect.

According to Channel 12 News, some have even refused to heed the quarantine orders, something healthcare officials said was "utterly unacceptable" as it "endangers the public."

According to the emergency directive approved by the government, violating quarantine is punishable by a fine of 5,000 shekels ($1,450) and potentially up to six months in jail.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Like the United States, like Israel.

Monday, July 6, 2020


by Bob Walsh

A "group of protesters" (mob of rioters) stormed the Georgia Dept. of Public Safety buidling in Atlanta yesterday busting things up and starting fires.  Two employees were injured.  The 60-100 rioters were all wearing dark clothing and masks and did major damage to the facility.

The article I read about it said it was not known if anybody was arrested or not.

It is easy to arrest them if they are laying on the floor bleeding.  I find it hard to believe that everybody in the Georgia State Patrol lost their balls.  I also find it hard to believe that there are zero armed personnel in the building that is the HQ of the Georgia State Patrol.  

So what the hell was going on?  Were they ordered to stand down?  If so by who?  Or is everybody in Georgia so brain dead or scared shitless of anybody in a black T-shirt and a mask that you can do ANYTHING if you are so atired?


by Bob Walsh

The Revolutionary Communist Party (RevCom) has been around for 45 years, mostly full of sound and fury, signifying jack shit.  They are, however, making a lot of noise in "emancipation park" across from the White House.  They have the tacit if not the expressed permission from the local DC government to act like a bunch of arrogant and entitled dickheads.  They think they are actually getting some traction now.  (They might even be right.)  Their avowed purpose is to destroy the market capitalist system and representative democracy that has worked for us for very nearly 250 years.  A loud and vocal extreme minority is pushing the issue, and a fair size chunk of the population seems to have no problem with surrendering to the mob, presumably in the mistaken belief that if they suck up and mouth the correct slogans they will be eaten last.

At Stone Mountain, Georgia, a group of maybe 100-200 up to maybe 1,000 (depending on which media reports you believe) mostly armed young Black men marched and demonstrated yesterday, demanding that the huge base relief Confederate memorial carved into the face of the mountain be destroyed.  The area around the mountain is now largely populated by Blacks and not Whites.  The Stone Mountain Park is owned by the state of Georgia and is managed by a private family-owned operations company.

A large group of mostly armed White "militia" turned out near Gettysburg in response to an internet hoax reporting that there would be a large, organized flag burning there by AntiFa and BLM types.

At some point two large groups of armed, stupid, intoxicated clowns are going to butt heads and things will turn to shit real fast.  

Even the Seattle police teargassed TWO riots on Sunday.  (I thought they lost their tear gas, flash bangs and pepper spray).  Maybe the mayor now thinks loosing control of the city is bad since a mob of "protesters" showed up at her private residence, with directions supplied by an admitted and proud socialist member of the city council.  

It seems like a lot of people have lost interest in either talking or listening.  The legion of the perpetually aggrieved want action now.  The often silent majority want to be able to go about their lives without a lot of drama.  The combination may make for a very interesting election season.  

EDITOR'S NOTE: Maybe going nuts? Bob, the country is nuts.  


Facebook groups pivot to attacks on Black Lives Matter 


By Amanda Seitz 


Associated Press

July 5, 2020


CHICAGO -- A loose network of Facebook groups that took root across the country in April to organize protests over coronavirus stay-at-home orders has become a hub of misinformation and conspiracies theories that have pivoted to a variety of new targets. Their latest: Black Lives Matter and the nationwide protests of racial injustice.
These groups, which now boast a collective audience of more than 1 million members, are still thriving after most states started lifting virus restrictions.
And many have expanded their focus.

One group transformed itself last month from “Reopen California” to “California Patriots Pro Law & Order,” with recent posts mocking Black Lives Matter or changing the slogan to “White Lives Matter." Members have used profane slurs to refer to Black people and protesters, calling them “animals,” “racist” and “thugs”— a direct violation of Facebook’s hate speech standards.
Others have become gathering grounds for promoting conspiracy theories about the protests, suggesting protesters were paid to go to demonstrations and that even the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police, was staged.
An Associated Press review of the most recent posts in 40 of these Facebook groups — most of which were launched by conservative groups or pro-gun activists — found the conversations largely shifted last month to attacking the nationwide protests over the killing of Black men and women after Floyd’s death.
Facebook users in some of these groups post hundreds of times a day in threads often seen by members only and shielded from public view.
“Unless Facebook is actively looking for disinformation in those spaces, they will go unnoticed for a long time and they will grow,” said Joan Donovan, the research director at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy. “Over time, people will drag other people into them and they will continue to organize.”
Facebook said it is aware of the collection of reopen groups, and is using technology as well as relying on users to identify problematic posts. The company has vowed in the past to look for material that violates its rules in private groups as well as in public places on its site. But the platform has not always been able to deliver on that promise.
Shortly after the groups were formed, they were rife with coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theories, including assertions that masks are “useless,” the U.S. government intends to forcibly vaccinate people and that COVID-19 is a hoax intended to hurt President Donald Trump’s re-election chances this fall.
Posts in these private groups are less likely to be scrutinized by Facebook or its independent fact-checkers, said Donovan. Facebook enlists media outlets around the world, including The Associated Press, to fact check claims on its site. Members in these private groups have created an echo chamber and tend to agree with the posts, so are therefore less likely to flag them for Facebook or fact-checkers to review, Donovan added.

At least one Facebook group, ReOpen PA, asked its 105,000 members to keep the conversation focused on reopening businesses and schools in Pennsylvania, and implemented rules to forbid posts about the racial justice protests as well as conspiracy theories about the efficacy of masks.
But most others have not moderated their pages as closely.
For example, some groups in New Jersey, Texas and Ohio have labeled systemic racism a hoax. A member of the California Facebook group posted a widely debunked flyer that says “White men, women and children, you are the enemy," which was falsely attributed to Black Lives Matter. Another falsely claimed that a Black man was brandishing a gun outside the St. Louis mansion where a white couple confronted protesters with firearms. Dozens of users in several of the groups have pushed an unsubstantiated theory that liberal billionaire George Soros is paying crowds to attend racial justice protests.
Facebook members in two groups — Wisconsinites Against Excessive Quarantine and Ohioans Against Excessive Quarantine — also regularly refer to protesters as “animals,” “thugs,” or “paid" looters.
In the Ohio group, one user wrote on May 31: "The focus is shifted from the voice of free people rising up against tyranny ... to lawless thugs from a well known racist group causing violence and upheaval of lives.”
Those two pages are part of a network of groups in Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania created by conservative activist Ben Dorr, who has for years raised money to lobby on hot-button conservative issues like abortion or gun rights. Their latest cause — pushing for governors to reopen their states — has attracted hundreds of thousands of followers in the private Facebook groups they launched.
Private groups that balloon to that size, with little oversight, are like “creepy basements” where extremist views and misinformation can lurk, said disinformation researcher Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the nonpartisan Wilson Center, a Washington, D.C., think tank.
“It’s sort of a way that the platforms are enabling some of the worst actors to stay on it,” said Jankowicz. “Rather than being de-platformed — they can organize.”