Sunday, August 30, 2015


Those gold plated fixtures tell me that Trump's candidacy is just one big ego trip.


Man-made pollution is a bigger threat to ocean life than carbon emissions are to
life on land.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


BarkGrowlBite | August 27, 2015

Year after year, which students are at the top of their high school graduating classes? Asians. Which immigrant groups are the most succesful in establishing their own businesses? Asians. How do they do it? They do it by working harder than any other group, including native born Americans.

Nam Van Nguyen is one of those hard working Asians. He just got busted Wednesday for robbing more than 30 pharmacies and gas station across the Houston area in just a two-week period. Even though he got caught, you gotta admit that’s pretty good.

Click2Houston reports that “in each case he wore a baseball cap with sunglasses. He would purchase a candy or a pack of bubble gum, then pull out a weapon and demand cash from the register. He typically got away with $100 to $300 each time, but investigators say in one instance he stole about $1,000.”

Nam told Harris County sheriff’s investigators that he committed the robberies because he lost a lot of money gambling in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He said he owed his girlfriend more than $35,000.

Apparently Asians not only work harder, but they also have great girlfriends.

Nam is also a Gold Star parolee. Ten years ago he committed the same kind of robberies in Fort Bend County, which adjoins Harris County. He received a 25-year prison sentence and was recently paroled.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Legal in most countries, but not in the politically correct U.S.


42 percent of all British vehicle thefts are committed by hackers and those thefts are now occurring in the U.S.

And here you thought your new keyless car was safe from car thieves, Trey Rusk, a former Texas state law enforcement official and now an investigator with an auto theft task force, issues this warning backed up by an excerpt from the Daily Mail:

I attended the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators Conference in Phoenix the week of August 9. I thought you might want to pass this on to your readers.

Investigators from England told us that 42% of their vehicle thefts were due to vehicles being hacked. It has already arrived here, just not as rampant. I'm sure it will get worse.

The best advice is to buy a visible deterrent like a steering wheel lock. It may be old fashioned, but the thieves will probably move on instead of taking the time trying to defeat it.

From the Daily Mail:

For enterprising criminals, it didn’t take long to find a way of exploiting the technology of keyless cars.

When you buy a car fitted with this technology, you are issued with a keyless ignition fob programmed by the manufacturer with a unique 40-digit code. Place the fob on the dashboard, or just climb into the car with it, and the car’s onboard computer will detect the code. If it matches the one in its memory, the driver is allowed to start the car.

However, the computer is capable of doing more than just checking the code. It can also re-progamme a blank fob with a new code.

And here is where the trouble begins. For just £20, car thieves can buy a blank key fob and a hand-held box that plugs into the ‘on-board diagnostic port’ — a socket linked to the computer which is usually found next to the passenger side footwell.

The hand-held box tells the computer to reprogram the blank fob with a new code. It takes only a few seconds to create a fob that can be used in the car again and again.

These boxes are available on the internet and were designed so that garages and locksmiths could create replacement fobs for owners whose own sets had been lost or stolen.

But they are also easily available to thieves.

Thieves still have to get inside the cars, of course. Some do it the old-fashioned way by smashing a window. Others lurk close to a car as it parks and use a radio-scrambling device — again, easily bought on the internet — to stop the car locking when a driver presses the remote control button.

The devices they use are available on the internet via search engines, auction sites or, in some cases, direct from unscrupulous locksmiths and manufacturers.

After the driver walks away, unaware that he has left his car unlocked, the thieves can climb in, reprogram the security system … and drive off.

Police say drivers of keyless cars should invest in an old-fashioned steel crook lock that hooks around the steering wheel or pedals and costs from £30. These locks were popular in the Eighties and Nineties, but have fallen out of favor in recent years.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Philly cop caught shaking down motorists to buy fundraising tickets

BarkGrowlBite | August 23, 2015

Philadelphia police officer Matthew Zagursky had been given a fistful bunch of fundraising tickets to sell. What better way to get rid of the tickets than to shake down motorists.

Zagursky got caught on video telling a stopped driver and his male companion:

"You and your friend got any money to buy these thrill show tickets? Either you buy these or I take your car. 'Cause it's unregistered. Ten bucks each, man."

At first the driver reluctantly agrees to buy two tickets, but that wasn’t good enough for Zagursky. Then the cop accepted $30 for three tickets.

The tickets were for some sort of thrill show this fall. Funds raised were to go to the families of fallen police officers and firefighters.

Zagursky was also heard making a homophobic crack about the driver’s pink windshield wipers. The driver explained they honored his grandmother who has breast cancer. Yeah, right, and pigs can fly.

Instead of putting people in jail, it looks as if Zagursky could be headed to the slammer himself. When he was in the police academy, he must have dozed off during the extortion lesson.

When will cops realize that them video cameras are everywhere? This video was taken from inside the shakedown victim’s car and ended up on Facebook to the embarrassment of the Philadelphia Police Department and the detriment of soon to be ex-officer Matthew Zagursky.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Mexican cops claim they gave first aid to two kidnappers injured in a police chase crash and that they died on the way to a hospital, but the autopsy showed they died from a coupe de grace

BarkGrowlBite | August 22, 2015

A bungled kidnapping attempt Friday night in Villahermosa, Tabasco, left eight people dead, including three cops. Two more cops were wounded.

The kidnapping of a businessman at a carwash was thwarted by a policeman who died in an exchange of gunfire. The kidnappers then fled in a Toyota with cops in hot pursuit. The suspects fired at the pursuing cops, killing two motorcycle officers. They then abandoned the Toyota and managed to carjack a VW Jetta. The chase ended when the bullet riddled Jetta crashed into a tree.

The official report released by the Ministry of Public Security for the State of Tabasco states that the attempted kidnapping took place Friday morning. The report claims that at the end of the chase three of the suspects were dead and two, a man and a woman, were still alive. They were given first aid by the cops but died on the way to a hospital.

That was the official version, but here is what witnesses reported and what the autopsies revealed.

The man was unconscious, but still alive. The woman was conscious. Instead of giving them first aid, the cops shot them, with the woman given a coupe de grace to the temple. The autopsies contradicted the official version and confirmed what the witnesses saw. Furthermore, the body of the other woman was found some distance from the crash with her dress pulled up above her waist and without panties. That would indicate she was taken from the scene and raped by a cop or cops, before being killed.

According to Reforma and Tabasco Hoy, it turns out that three of the crashed car’s occupants, a man and two women, were not accomplices and did not even know the kidnappers before that night. The kidnappers approached the two women in a night club and invited the women to go out with them to party. The women agreed to leave, but only if a male friend of theirs could come along. It was shortly after the trio got into the Toyota that the attempted kidnapping took place.

Ah, those Mexican cops! Ya gotta luv em.

Friday, August 21, 2015


Authorities say that by sitting in a wheelchair, convicted murderer Abdul Basit meets the requirement for the condemned to support his own weight on the scaffold

BarkGrowlBite | August 21, 2015

In 2009, Abdul Basit, 43, was convicted if murder in a Pakistani court. In 2010, while confined in Faisalabad Prison, he came down with tuberculosis which left him paralyzed from the waist down.

Pakistan lifted a moratorium on the death penalty after seven Taliban gunmen opened fire inside a school in Peshawar in December 2014, killing 145 people, including 132 schoolchildren. Basit was placed at the head of the line of those waiting to be executed.

On July 29, Abdul was handed a ‘black warrant’ which signifies that his execution was imminent. His final appeal hearing is set for Tuesday and if that fails, he will be hanged soon thereafter.

Prison officials believe that with Abdul sitting in a wheelchair for the hanging, they will meet the requirement for the condemned to support his own weight on the scaffold.

The anti-death penalty groups are having a severe case of apoplexy over Abdul’s pending hanging.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


I haven't done anything wrong. I'm not a crook.


A group calling itself the Impact Team has hacked the adultery dating site Ashley Madison and outed millions of ‘Cheating Dirtbags,’ including White House staffers, Homeland Security officials and members of Congress

BarkGrowlBite | August 20, 2015

Ashley Madison is a dating site for cheating spouses with 37 million users worldwide. A group calling itself the Impact Team has hacked into Ashley Madison and exposed the names, ages, home addresses, phone numbers, user name and email addresses, credit card details and detailed sexual fantasies of millions of the website’s users.

The Impact Team claims to be taking the high moral ground by hacking the low moral Ashley Madison website and exposing its immoral ‘Cheating Dirtbags.’

15,000 U.S. government workers were among the adulterers, including White House staffers, Homeland Security officials and members of the House and Senate. Other cheaters exposed were Harvard and Yale professors, employees of multinational corporations, bankers and officials from the U.N. and – now get this – the Vatican.

The Impact Team also claims to have profile photos of Ashley Madison’s users, including naked shots.

Ashley Madison, which uses the motto “Life is short, Have an affair,” has called the hacking “an act of criminality.” The FBI is investigating the attack.

Security experts say the hack attack will end marriages and that criminals will use the information to blackmail Ashley Madison’s users. And what about that motto, “Life is short, Have an affair”? I suspect that life is going to be even much shorter for some of the cheating spouses.

Some of the men and women whose profiles were exposed told news reporters who contacted them that they merely registered with Ashley Madison out of curiosity and never actually dated anyone.

Hmmm, let’s see now. I wonder how high up in the White House this goes? The Vatican ….. how many Hail Marys is that worth? How many bible-thumping preachers are on the list? Are any of the presidential candidates on the list? The FBI is investigating ….. how many of their own agents are they going to find on the list?

I'll bet there is one name you won't find on the Ashley Madison website. Bill Clinton. He did not need an adultery dating service because he had no trouble cheating on Hillary multiple times. When Bill was governor of Arkansas, he would spot a woman that aroused him and have a state trooper from his security detail approach her to see if she would meet with him privately.

Oh by the way, just out of curiosity, were any of you readers among the cheating dirtbags outed by the Impact Team?

And so it goes in the wide, wide world of adultery.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Four members of the Ignacio Ramos family from Oxnard, California were attacked and shot July 31 while vacationing in Michoacan State

BarkGrowlBite | August 19, 2015

Ignacio Ramos, his sons Bruno, 18, and Jesus, 19, and his brother Ramon, all from Oxnard, California, were attacked and shot July 31 by drug cartel members while vacationing in the Michoacan State of Mexico. The attackers mistook the family members for other intended victims.

The attack took place shortly after 8 p.m. as the Ramos family was headed in their white Chevrolet Envoy to a park located on the Rancho de Pueblo Viejo, in the town of Buenavista. Ramon Ramos was killed, while the other three were seriously wounded. Bruno is in a San Diego hospital in grave condition with a bullet in his head and in a medically induced coma.

Kidnappings and bloody attacks all over Mexico on tourists, including Americans, have been downplayed by both the Mexican Government and our government, but a former high ranking law enforcement official has told me that Americans would be very foolish to visit any place in Mexico.


My prediction is that it will be Ohio Gov. John Kasich against Hillary Clinton, but the primary elections are a long ways off

BarkGrowlBite | August 19, 2015

Looking at the Republican and Democratic races for President, it may be too early to make any predictions on the outcomes, but here I go anyway.

I predict that when the smoke clears, Ohio Gov. John Kasich will be the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic candidate.

Let’s start with the Democrats. Bernie Sanders has been drawing huge cheering audiences wherever he speaks, but he is unelectable. Hillary will either be forced to quit over her email scandals, or she will survive. When Hillary insists she’s done nothing wrong, she sounds like President Nixon saying, “I’m not a crook.” However, I predict she will survive. I think those email scandals are behind Joe Biden’s possible entry into the fray. If Biden becomes a candidate he will give Hillary a run for her money, but I do not believe he will beat her. If Hillary is forced to quit, Biden will be the Democratic nominee, and he will be a formidable candidate, not the buffoon he has often been painted as.

Now for the Republican scramble. Donald Trump has been wowing voters and leads in all the polls, but I believe he will flame out by primary election day. Even if he doesn’t, the Republican Party will never nominate The Donald as their presidential candidate. In that event, his ego may lead him to run as an independent candidate with disastrous results for the Republican nominee.

Jeb Bush, my choice, has been a big disappointment. He looks like a poor campaigner and doesn’t seem to connect with the voters. Rand Paul, like his father before him, attracts the libertarians, but they are too few to help him get the nomination. Rick Perry blew it four years ago and, although he could have been a credible candidate, he’s toast already. Rick Santorum, like Perry, is history. Lindsey Graham would be a good nominee, but he is not catching on with the voters.

Marco Rubio, appeals to Latinos and conservatives, and has a shot at the Republican nomination. But Rubio’s appeal to Latinos is offset by the Republican stand on immigration. Mike Huckabee appeals to Christian conservatives, and while I think he would make a good president, he doesn’t have enough supporters to get the nomination. Former three-term New York Gov. George Pataki isn’t catching on with the voters. Likewise, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Ted Cruz seems to be fading in the polls. Carly Fiorina is rising in the polls but she is not a very good campaigner.

Ben Carson is very likable and high in the polls, but he’s black and people have had their fill of a likable black president. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, like Marco Rubio, has a shot at the Republican nomination. Chris Christie has been undone by the New Jersey ‘Bridgegate’ scandal and the Obama hug. Ohio Gov. John Kasich appeals to both conservatives and moderates, and has been rising in the polls. In my opinion, Kasich would be a good president who would be able to work well with many congressional Democrats. So far however, all the candidates have been overshadowed by Donald Trump.

There are a bunch of other Republican candidates that no one outside of their family members and friends has ever heard of and who don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.

I predict that when all the smoke has cleared, Trump will have flamed out and John Kasich will be the Republican nominee. Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic candidate.

If he gets the nomination, Kasich may choose Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson as a running mate. Clinton could choose Bernie Sanders as a running mate, but I doubt she will do so.

Now for the 2016 election results: The winner is ….. I hate to say this ….. Hillary Clinton.

Kasich will make it a close race, but the Republicans will lose no matter who their candidate is because they have driven off three important voter blocks - women, blacks and Latinos. They have lost the women’s vote with their bedrock stands on abortion and contraception. They are seen by blacks as anti-minority and their immigration pronouncements have angered Latinos. Thus Hillary will be the winner. And if Trump runs as an independent, she’ll win by a landslide.

What scares me most about Hillary as President is that during her term she will be able to appoint several Supreme Court justices, and you can bet they will all be far-lefties like Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.

But like I said, the primary elections are a long ways off, and my predictions can turn out to be all wet.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Donald Trump says if elected President, he would ship all illegal immigrants back to Mexico

BarkGrowlBite | August 17, 2015

While in Iowa last week, Donald Trump revealed what he would do about illegal immigration. He would build an impenetrable border wall and ship all illegal immigrants back to Mexico. And he would not break up families that consisted of both illegals and U.S. citizens ….. he would send them all to Mexico.

Not so fast there Donald! If you ship all illegals back to Mexico you would be sending my yard man and those guys that sweat it out in 100-plus degree temperatures filling those pot holes in the streets and fixing those broken water mains and sewer lines. And you cannot legally force U.S. citizens to leave for Mexico. Besides that, how the holy fuck are you going to round up and ship back up to 30 million people? Logistically, that’s almost impossible.

The government keeps talking about 11 million 'undocumented' immigrants in this country. Don’t believe it! Other estimates have the number at 20 million. I'll bet there are 11 million in California alone. You can bet that there are up to 30 million illegals in this country right now.

In order to round up all the illegals we would have to quadruple or more the size of the FBI, ICE and many state and local police agencies. How are we going to do that when those agencies are having a hard time filling their ranks as it is? And where would the money come from to pay for all those law enforcement officers?

The Donald said he would make Mexico pay for his wall and for the cost of shipping all those illegals back. But Mexico doesn’t have that kind of money. And neither do we! Trump has promised to balance the budget and get us out of debt, but the cost of rounding up and shipping all those illegals back to Mexico would bankrupt the U.S.

Trump has promised to restore jobs to American citizens. But his plan to ship back all the illegals would cost several hundred thousand bilingual teachers their jobs. And The Donald says he would not allow illegals to send money to their families back in Mexico. If he could legally do that, he would be adding thousands and thousands of banking employees to the unemployment rolls.

I’m beginning to think that The Donald needs to see a shrink. And if you’re planning to vote for him, you probably need to see a shrink too.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


The Rutherford School District in Smyrna, Tennessee refused to ban the Confederate flag at Stewarts Creek High School after a black mother complained

BarkGrowlBite | August 15, 2015

In the wake of the June 17 Charleston, South Carolina church massacre, many Southern school districts banned the Confederate flag and apparel depicting the flag from public school campuses. Not so the Rutherford School District in Smyrna Tennessee where Confederate flags can be seen flying from pickup trucks in the parking lot of Stewarts Creek High School and students are wearing T-shirts depicting the controversial flag.

The mother of a black 14-year-old student has complained about the flag, saying that her son was upset because students were wearing Confederate flag T-shirts to class. She said the flag is “blatantly representing racism to me. It’s a big issue to me because of everything that’s going on in the world today. I just don’t feel like it should be in school. I don’t think it is the appropriate place for my child to be subjected to this.”

She said she feared for the safety of her son after seeing the flags waving from pickup trucks in the high school’s parking lot when she dropped her boy off at school.

A spokesperson for the school district dismissed the mother’s complaint, saying that students can rightfully express their views under the First Amendment. James Evans told ABC News 2 that “As a school district, we can’t prohibit such items unless it is causing a disturbance at school.”

One of the pickup trucks flying the confederate flag is reportedly owned by an African-American student.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Two longtime next-door neighbors ran into each other in heaven.

Sylvia: Hi Wanda.

Wanda: Hi Sylvia. How’d you die?

Sylvia: I froze to death.

Wanda: How horrible.

Sylvia: It wasn’t so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm and sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you?

Wanda: I died of a very painful massive heart attack. I suspected that that husband of mine was cheating on me, so I came home early to catch him in the act. But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV.

Sylvia: So What happened?

Wanda: I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere that I started running all over the house looking. First I ran up the stairs and went through every closet and looked under all the beds. Then I went up in the attic and searched. I ran down the stairs into the basement. I kept this up until I had looked everywhere. I was getting really short of breath and became completely exhausted. Suddenly I felt this excruciating pain in my chest and keeled over with a heart attack and died.

Sylvia: Too bad you didn’t look in the freezer ….. we’d both probably still be alive.


Linda Ridgeway Whitedeer claims Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her in 1971 and told her she was “blessed” with his semen as if it were holy water

BaekGrowlBite | August 13, 2015

Three more women have come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting them. They told their stories at a press conference Wednesday with lawyer Gloria Allred who represents 21 other women that have also accused Cosby of raping them.

Linda Ridgeway Whitedeer, a former actress, said she met Cosby for a job interview in 1971 on a movie set. While she was sitting in a chair, Cosby came over and shoved his dick in her mouth. After he ejaculated, he took a Kleenex and wiped her face off, mumbling that she had been “blessed” with his semen as if it were holy water. Unlike his other accusers, she says she was not drugged.

Holy shit! Almost 40 women have been blessed with the sprinkling of Bill’s holy water. God bless that lucky old rascal. Holy shit, did I really say that?


Firearm beats supervised probation

By bob Walsh | PACOVILLA Corrections blog | August 12, 2015

Lavauntia Broadbent, 16, is never going to make it to 17 because he is doing the dirt dance. He made a really bad decision. It cost him his relatively young and relatively worthless life and is likely landing his road puppies in prison for a long time.

Broadbent was heavily involved in the violent gang culture in W. St. Paul, Minnesota. He and some of his homies went out on July 31 and tried to rob two adults. On of them had a legal carry pistol and he was better with it than was Broadbent, resulting in Broadbent being face-down in the dirt and his homies running for their lives. Broadbent and several buddies had successfully pulled off another armed robbery earlier in the day. (Interestingly enough when the cops showed up the shooter was attempting to keep Broadbent from bleeding out. Had it been me I am unsure I would have taken the risk.)

One of Broadbent’s moronic friends posted a note on facebook almost immediately after the shooting saying that he had just been shot. The cops figured that meant the moronic friend was one of the accomplices. Three of the young gang members are now in custody facing various criminal charges.

Broadbent was on supervised probation at the time of the shooting.

EDITOR’S NOTE: According to President Obama, Broadbent and his homies were just making some youthful mistakes by robbing people. Shame on his intended victim for making young Broadbent do the dirt dance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Girl tells parents they wasted $700 and threatens to murder mom for sending her to summer camp

BarkGrowlBite | August 11, 2015

“I am going to murder you guys when I get home. Well you mom because you did this to me. We had to take a stupid swim test. I know you said I would love it but I will never. Luv ya and please ask me next time so you don’t waste 700 dollars on me.”

Thus wrote 12-year-old Bailee to her mother Carrie in Panama City Florida from a summer camp in Birmingham, Alabama. The letter was posted to Reddit by Carrie's cousin Melissa Christo.


Ohio authorities found a dead cockroach inside the breathing tube of a 4-year-old cystic fibrosis child

BarkGrowlBite | August 11, 2015

Wayne Cunard, 46, and his wife Christian, 42, appeared in an Akron, Ohio court Monday and pled guilty to child endangerment. They had been accused of not regularly feeding the children, tying them to chairs with rope and leaving them alone. The five children ranged in age from one to 15 and are now in foster care.

Summit County Children's Services notified Akron police last September of the conditions in the Cunard’s home. As well as seeing the children underweight, they found a dead cockroach inside the breathing tube of a 4-year-old boy who suffered from cystic fibrosis.

In court, Christian blamed it all on her husband because he did not provide enough money to feed the five children. She said she wanted to leave Wayne but did not have the money to do so. She professed her love for the children.

Judge Amy Corrigal Jones was not impressed. Instead she got pissed off when Christian blamed Wayne. “Your conduct is appalling,” Judge Jones told Christian. “Your conduct as a mother is despicable and you stand here today and blame your choices on someone else.”

Christian was sentenced to three years in prison while Wayne received a one-year sentence.

Christian Cunard previously lost custody of her children in 2007, but three years later an appeals court reversed that ruling. Because they were convicted of child endangerment, the Cunards will not be able to regain custody of the children.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Parole deprives inmate of getting free sex change surgery

By Bob Walsh | PACOVILLA Corrections blog | August 8, 2015

Jeffrey Bryan (AKA Michelle) Norsworthy is a guest of the state and s/he is currently housed at the Mule Creek State Hospitality Center (more formerly known as a state prison facility for men) due to the unfortunate situation of both having a birth certificate that says MALE and having a penis.

Norsworthy recently got a court order to compel the formerly great state of California to do his-her tuck-and-roll surgery at state expense. The matter has been under appeal, however that appeal is now moot as the parole board has decided to free Norsworthy on parole and Jerry Brown has decided to not overturn that decision.

Norsworthy has been in the slammer on a second degree murder beef from 1985. Norsworthy became aware of his/her condition while a guest of the state.

Perhaps Norsworthy will murder somebody else while on parole so he-she can come back to prison and have the surgery done for free. I doubt it, but you never know.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Maybe he’ll go to court and sue to have his parole overturned on grounds of cruel and unusual punishment.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


The Human Resources Administration for the City of New York asks an administrative judge to approve firing a city employee who died in 2014

BarkGrowlBite | August 8, 2015

NYC Medicaid-eligibility specialist Geoffrey Toliver was on the job until November 12, 2013 when he became ill with cancer. On December 8, 2014, Toliver died at the age of 65 after a long period of hospitalization. Family members insist they kept his supervisor advised of Toliver’s health problems and they posted his obituary online.

On Friday the city’s Human Resources Administration (HRA) went before an administrative judge to obtain his approval for the firing of Toliver on the grounds that he had gone AWOL for 18 months. Since Toliver did not appear at the hearing, the judge approved the firing.

HRA claims they sent Toliver several certified letters during his absence of 18 months and that none of the letters were answered. Toliver was not paid during his absence.

And how much did Toliver, the father of three, earn as a Medicaid-eligibility specialist? $38,000. Holy shit, you cannot exist on $38,000 a year in NYC unless you live in a rat hole.

If the family kept Toliver’s supervisor advised, then he screwed up by not informing his superiors, if indeed he did not do so. Someone sure screwed up … you cannot fire a dead man! Ah, but that’s the way it goes with bureaucrats.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Larry Eugene Brown, 74, was walking to a bus stop in Greensboro, N,C. when he was robbed and beaten to death by three teenagers

BarkGrowlBite | August 7, 2015

President Obama refers to crimes committed by black teens as youthful misstates, just like the mistakes the rest of us made as teenagers. Obama complains that by imprisoning black teens for those mistakes we are depriving them of a second chance and ruining their lives forever.

Well, on July 29 around 5:30 a.m., Larry Eugene Brown, a 74-year-old man, was walking to a bus stop in Greensboro, N.C. when he became the victim of one of those youthful mistakes.

Police arrested D'Angelo Matthews on Wednesday, his 17th birthday, together with a 15-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, and charged all three with first-degree murder and robbery with a dangerous weapon.

It seems the three were driving around when they spotted Brown and decided to make the youthful mistake of robbing the old man. Then they made another youthful mistake by inflicting "significant" blunt force trauma to his head, according to the police. Brown was dead before the cops found him lying in the street.

And what did the three black teens get for their youthful mistakes? Three dollars from Brown’s wallet.

Now, according to Obama, if we imprison Matthews and his two ‘mistake’ partners, we will ruin their lives forever. I am sure the Brown family is touched and I suggest they adopt the three teenagers and give them that second chance the President says black teens are too often denied.

Sigh ….. those youthful mistakes.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Two bounty hunter companies swarmed a house in Phoenix looking for an Oklahoma fugitive and – oops – it turned out to be the Phoenix police chief’s home

BarkGrowlBite | August 6, 2016

On Tuesday around 10 p.m., eleven armed bounty hunters swarmed a house in Phoenix to arrest an Oklahoma fugitive wanted for skipping a court hearing on drug charges. Talk about a big oops, a really big oops, the targeted house was the home of Joseph Yahner who happens to be Phoenix’s police chief.

Two bounty hunter companies, NorthStar Fugitive Recovery and Delta One Tactical Recovery, teamed up to conduct the mistaken raid after receiving a tip posted on their Facebook page from an Oklahoma phone number.

Brent Farley, 43, owner of NorthStar Fugitive Recovery, was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. Phoenix police have obtained search warrants for the weapons used by the bounty hunters.

Here is how The Arizona Republic Described the botched raid:

In the video, a pickup truck is in the driveway of Yahner’s home, and several people are near the front door. Several times, someone yells, “Roderick, open the door,” while a voice from the house yells back. The door eventually opens and a man inside says, “Turn the light off” twice to the man outside holding a flashlight before the door shuts.

The exterior lights of the home then turn on, illuminating the three figures, two of whom appear to be wearing bulletproof vests. The door opens wide to a shirtless man exiting the house while holding something in his hands. That something was a baton, [Phoenix Police Sgt. Trent] Crump said.

“After awakening him (Yahner) from a dead sleep, he comes out in protection mode,” Crump said. “And when he does come out and he challenges them, I think they quickly come to realize (the mistake), with the exception of one of them.”

Crump said Farley refused to leave the property and continued to give commands to Yahner until another bounty hunter pulled him aside.

When police officers arrived, they found Farley’s employees and those of Delta One Tactical Recovery surrounding the home. One man banged on the door with an unholstered weapon and engaged in a verbal confrontation with the chief inside, police said. The bounty hunters’ vehicles were parked on the property, the headlights glaring as the man at the door shined his flashlight inside, Phoenix police said.

Several outside the chief’s home were armed, and police said Wednesday that they were serving a search warrant for the weapons. Riding alongside the armed bounty hunters was an 11-year-old and an adult relative of one of the employees, police said.

Farley is a convicted felon and may be facing additional charges.

If either of these companies had bothered to check out the address before conducting a reality TV-like raid, they would have discovered they were the victims of a prank, a prank that could have had deadly consequences.

When Chief Yahner’s lawsuits are finally resolved, he can retire as the owner of two fugitive recovery companies.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


The City of Ferguson signed a historic and revolutionary agreement with the Justice Department which establishes the nation’s first all-women police force

FERGUSON, MO - - (Wire Services) No more mano-a-mano police confrontations in Ferguson, Missouri. Out with the old, in with a completely new policing concept … charm hostile persons into complying with a cop during a stop or an arrest.

In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting and the riots that ensued, the Justice Department determined that the Ferguson Police Department discriminated against African-Americans in the way its officers enforced the law. The report accused cops of targeting blacks and citing or arresting then disproportionally for traffic and city ordinance violations, with the municipal judge fining them excessively. The City reluctantly agreed to oversight of its police by the Justice Department.

On Tuesday it was revealed that the City of Ferguson has signed a historic and revolutionary agreement with the Justice Department which establishes the nation’s first all-women police force.

Standing in front of the Ferguson police headquarters and flanked by city officials and the new police chief, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that from now on, the city will have an all-women police force that will reflect the racial diversity of Ferguson.

“We believe this revolutionary step will go a long way to heal the wounds between the police and the community,” said Lynch. “Since more than two-thirds of Ferguson’ residents are African-Americans, we will make sure that two-thirds of the officers will be black. The Justice Department will reimburse the city for the salaries of all officers for three years. After an extensive search, I have personally selected San Francisco police Captain Shahaadah Washington to organize and lead the new department.”

Lynch announced that as of Tuesday, the Ferguson police department has been disbanded and all current officers have been terminated with one-month’s severance pay. The St. Louis County Police Department will take over the policing of Ferguson until the new all-women department has been established.

A grim looking Mayor James Knowles said, “While I strongly disagree with the Justice Department’s determination that our officers have been discriminating against the African-American residents of our fine city, they left us little choice but to go along with their reorganization plan. I will now turn this over to the new police chief.

“Thank you Mr. Mayor, and thank you General Lynch for giving me the honor and opportunity to organize and lead this very revolutionary concept in law enforcement,” said Chief Shahaadah ‘Butch’ Washington. In order to get the best qualified women officers, we are offering officers from throughout the country a $10,000 signing bonus and a salary of $1,000 a month more than what they are earning now. I believe that within three months or less we will be able to fill all the openings in the new department. We can hire very good experienced women police officers because the Justice Department will pay for the signing bonuses and all salaries for the first three years.”

At that point Mayor Knowles stepped forward to interrupt Chief Washington. “Excuse me Chief … General Lynch, where is our city supposed to get the funds to pay those salaries when the Justice Department reimbursements end,” asked the mayor. “I want you to know that the fine City of Ferguson will then be bankrupted in a New York minute.”

When the Attorney General failed to respond to the mayor, Chief Washington continued. “As General Lynch pointed out, two-thirds of our officers will be African-Americans. Now, for those of you who do not believe women can do the job, I’ve got news for you. Women are doing the job and they are doing it better than men. Male officers tend to be aggressive and callous, while women officers tend to be charming and caring, thereby avoiding the ugly situations male officers too often find themselves in. I am confident that with an all-women police force representative of the diversity in Ferguson, trust of the police will be restored within the community.”

Shahaadah ‘Butch’ Washington, 44, is a 23-year veteran of the San Francisco Police Department. Her most recent assignment was as head of the internal affairs division. Last May, San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr recommended that eight SFPD officers be fired for exchanging racist and homophobic text messages, one of which referred to Washington as “that fu—ing ni—er fag at IA.”

The Associated Press contacted Jeff Roorda, executive director and business manager of the St. Louis police union, to get his take on Loretta Lynch’s announcement. “They have no right to fire any or all those officers,” said an obviously angry Roorda. “They’ve done nothing wrong. And they can't have an all-women force either. That's discriminating against men. I will instruct our attorneys to seek an injunction in federal court tomorrow. Injunction or not, we are going to sue the city and the Justice Department to put these fine officers back on their jobs. And we’re going to do that all the way to the Supreme Court if that’s what it’s going to take. Hell, this is America, not Nazi Germany!”

Former FBI profiler Clint van Zandt told NBC Today co-host Savannah Guthrie that the concept of an all-women police force will work for a while, but eventually there will be the inevitable physical altercations. “And because girls can’t fight,” said van Zandt, “I predict that in Ferguson there will be more police shootings of unarmed black men.”

Monday, August 3, 2015


A 12-year-old Florida girl was shot in the arm by her gun safety-teaching father

BarkGrowlBite | August 3, 2015

Most of us gun owners believe in teaching gun safety to our young children and that is exactly what an ex-Marine in Davie, Florida did Sunday night.

Davie police Sgt. Pablo Castaneda reports that the unnamed father was showing his 12-year-old daughter how to safely draw a gun from his pocket when the firearm discharged, wounding the girl in the arm.

The girl was treated at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. So far the father has not been charged with any crime, but the case is being sent the prosecutor’s office for review.

Now this is a gun safety lesson that young lady will never forget. It would appear that the gun safety teacher is in dire need of some gun safety lessons himself.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson look down on a confrontation between Confederate battle flag waivers and protesters

BarkGrowlBite | August 2, 2015

Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park has a 90-foot tall sculpture of Confederate heroes Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, each on horseback, carved into the side of Stone Mountain. The carving takes up three acres of the mountain side.

On Saturday, hundreds of confederate flag waving people showed up at the park for an all-day “Heritage Not Hate” rally in support of the Confederate battle flag. People from all over the South attended the rally. Many wore T-shirts depicting the flag. Many also wore Confederate flag bandanas.

At midday a small group of protester showed up and started shouting obscenities at the Confederate flag supporters. The cops had to step in to prevent the flag supporters from kicking the shit out of the protesters.

Is the Confederate battle flag a symbol of heritage or a symbol of hate? President Obama has referred to the flag as “a reminder of systemic oppression and racial subjugation” and has called for its removal from public display. A majority of Americans feel the same way.

However, many Southerners feel that, contrary to being a symbol of hate, the Confederate flag represents a proud symbol of their heritage.

To me it represents both. Were it not for the fact that the flag has been hijacked by the KKK and other white supremacist hate groups, I would tell the protesters to go to hell. Around 250,000 Confederate soldiers died under that flag and many more suffered amputations and other war wounds. For that reason, the Confederate battle flag deserves to be honored, not despised. By the way, those same hate groups not only wave the Confederate flag, but they wave the American flag too.

So, which is it … heritage or hate?

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Brazilian cops are not concerned about being politically correct.

The moral code throughout the history of mankind intuitively dictated consequence for bad behavior. In our "victim" culture today however, where a burglar is allowed to bring a lawsuit against the homeowner for setting a trap on his property for intruders, we seem to sanction the idea where the bad behaving 'crooks' get to to wear the victim hat, at least long enough to confuse the facts and disgust the rest of us. It would seem Brazil doesn't have this problem.


Man shoots armadillo, armadillo fires back, bullet hits him in the head

BarkGrowlBite | August 1, 2015

In the wee hours of Thursday morning, a motorist stopped on state Highway 77, near the East Texas town of Marietta to take a shot at an armadillo. Alas, a pissed off armadillo fired back, hitting the shooter in the head. Well not exactly. The bullet ricocheted off the critter, grazing the as yet unidentified man in the head.

The hapless shooter was treated at a Marietta Hospital and released. There is no word on the condition of the armadillo.

The Cass County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the case as "a possible accidental shooting." Sounds more like a case of Texas road rage to me.

Listen all you foreigners … Don’t mess with Texas! And don’t mess with Texas armadillos either. That goes for the local yokels too!